Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Julie Johnson | JustPorno.TV">Julie Johnson | JustPorno.TV at the end of link it could be......just / julie_johnson.........maybe just porn tv. / 639713 julie-johnson...... I am reliably informed that one of those links does have clips of Saturday Night Specials and Basildon Babe...not sure if im happy about i aint been paid a penny...i directed the movies and wrote the scripts...but julie`s films have been pirated/bootlegged so i dont get any im told its a amatuer website i aint entitled to any dosh and have no control over copyright as the films have been posted by a third party.

Sunday, 21 December 2014

Julie Johnson Porn Film Admission

Julie Johnson ADMITS on oath in open court to starring in Porn Films... Document from Southend County Court.

Julie Johnson | Facebook

Julie Johnson | Facebook

Saturday, 13 December 2014

The Big One

After many false starts due to Prison, Hospital and various court cases we now have lift off. What started as Till Death Us Do Part became The Gangster Of Slang and THE PUNK POET is now a proper publication. I am happy but due to Fleet Street Scammer being published by a world famous publisher which means the involvement of media lawyers and legal eagles i`ve had to compromise on certain points. No problem with me naming all the famous rock stars and actors from the wonderful world of showbiz as I have copies of all the published press cuttings. No problem with me mentioning my days as a Punk writer on Sounds and Punk Lives as again I have all the published cuttings to support my anecdotes. No problem of talking about my involvement with THE STONE ROSES as it`s documented in the brilliant John Robb book THE STONE ROSES Reunion Edition published by Ebury Press - my picture with the band appears on page 253. But as Fleet Street Scammer will be on sale in WHSmith, Waterstones, Amazon and available in every major book store I have been forced to make compromises...not in my nature...but it has to be done. My major concsession was on photographs...for legal reasons the book can only use a topless picture of my ex-wife and not a full frontal. I can use a half naked pose because it`s legal and because I own the copyright. Likewise I own the copyright to our wedding picture and my favourite snap The Director And The Starlet as I paid the photographer. I talk openly and frankly about my childhood, school years, early family life and teenage wild days. Reveal all about becoming a Punk, forming The Buzz Kids and blagging a job on Sounds before talking my way into Fleet Street and tabloid newspapers. As the book is mainstream and has to stay within libel boundaries every revelation, anecdote, claim has to be supported by legally recognised evidence. That box was crossed 100 per cent by obtaining 3000 plus documents by using The Freedom Of Information Act. I have for once listened to posh educated experts, it went against the grain, but I had to swallow as nothing is/was more important then publication. I am still telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, but I cant use any pornographic pictures. I can talk about the films Saturday Night Specials, Basildon Babe and Essex Escort but I/we cant legally publish clips from any of the movies. No big deal as those who want to see them can find them, plus I can legally give a nod in the right direction. Ideally I will get to personally publicise the book on radio, magazines and maybe television...This Morning with Amanda Holdern would be heaven on earth. I do get carried away and yesterday had Adam in stitches as I said "if the book is a hit I`ll do Big Brother but not I`m A celebrity cos of the bugs" adding "but would I do Big Brother or Celeb Big Brother?" I went on "I`d do Question Time" - Adam "Why would they want you on Question Time?" - I replied "cos i`m funnier then Russell Brand and smarter then Nigel Farage" On a serious note I do want to do Steve Allen on LBC and things like BBC Breakfast and SKY News. More seriously and what can be desribed as a genuine life or death I told Garry Bushell the book had to be written before I die as I`m running out of time. Dead Men Can`t talk...and more importantly can`t defend there reputation. Example: I don`t like Sheryl Gasgoine, but at least she had the guts, decency, manners to dish the dirt on Gazza while he was still alive. Proof she was telling the truth...unlike Joan Collins who yesterday claimed her DEAD husband was a monster...why did she wait for his death before speaking out? The easiest thing in the world is to smear the dead...that is why I wanted my story out in the open...on the record and in the public domain. And one last thing on my private life...which only takes up a fraction of the book...I revealed all about my ex-wife while she is/was still alive. I did not expose a corpse who could not answer back. It is funny how things in the news today connect back to my childhood and teenage years. Events I previously mentioned in THE PUNK POET. Examples: Child Abuse and the prosecutions for historic crimes against perverts like Max Clifford and Rolf Harris...I wrote in THE PUNK POET years ago about the perverts at Boyles Court in Brentwood. Perverted social workers and the so-called carer from Toc H. Sex Abuse and the abuse of teenage girls in London street gangs. I went to seven different schools so I`m not identifying the innocent victims by revealing these historical facts/crimes. But at one of the schools - gang stripping of girls was part of the culture - there was a group of about 12 boys who would target the same 3 or 4 girls - and the cowardly bastards got away with it. Or so they thought - I`m not sure of the facts - but about 5 years ago - and I mentioned it in THE PUNK POET - I was walking along Wickford High Street and this big Hammer like Jeep pulled up on the pavement blocking me off...the driver went "Garry Johnson?" and as always I say "no"`s a life long habit of mine...could be the filth or worse. Anyway it was a old school friend Terry Turrant, who I hadnt seen for 20 years...he said "want a lift jump in"...I was on the way to visit my dad in Basildon Hospital so accepted his offer of a lift. During the ten minute drive...he mentioned a name from school and revealed that some of the scum cowards had recently been arrested for the "gang strips" that happened all them years ago...never got to the bottom of the story or found out how or why as we arrived at Basildon Hospital before he finished the story. I am guessing/hoping that one of the teenage girls had the courage to report the bastards to the police...they were not reporting perverts or muggers of OAPs is not being a is doing the right thing. I mention this for three baffled me at the time...and because of the Jimmy Saville peadophile proved that it`s never to late to bring perverts to justice. Thirdly and more confirms that the boyfriend of my ex-wife will always be looking over his shoulder...he will be named and exposed in the book...just as he`s been in THE PUNK POET blog...but this time as he`s named in a mainstream book perhaps the police will take proper action rather then the caution they issued in 2007. Perhaps my ex-wife will be forced to explain...or better still feel the need to explain why she never reported her perverted boyfriend richard grimson to the police. Official documents obtained using The Freedom Of Information Act confirm she was aware of his verbal sexual abuse and violent behaviour towards her children and that she looked the other way...they say love is blind...but there is no escuse to cover up for a pervert. At The High Court in 2010 I produced the timed and dated documents that confirmed she knowingly supported a borderline paedophile against her own children. In 2013 Helen Lincoln, the Head Of Essex Social Services confirmed in a letter that my chldren were verbally sexually abused and violently threatened by her boyfriend...a copy of that letter will be printed in the will the letter from Nelson Guest Solicitors.

Monday, 1 December 2014


TO read the GB WORLD Exclusive intro to Fleet Street Blagger: Google AOL.CO.UK Log On: Password: BasildonPunk Security Question: Name of first pet? The answer is Prince