Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Happy New Year (This Could Be The Last One)

Back from yet another medical examination.

This time my stomach.

Ten days ago it was my head and now it`s spreading.

Lost weight which is always a good thing but I can think of better ways.

Due at Basildon Hospital tomorrow morning for more tests but have decided not to attend.

I will hang on for book and record release next month and then let nature take it`s course.

No more medical examinations, tests and medicine.

So "Happy New Year" to everyone who knows me.

Earlier today Garry Bushell was made my official `representative on earth`.

Garry will be in charge of all monies and royalties and look after my children`s interests.

My best mate will be in control of the screenplay and second and third album royalties.


Monday, 28 December 2015

The Blonde On The Sofa Is Daniella Westbrook

EVIDENCE: Picture proof for all those who doubted me. Please compare the latest picture of former Eastender and ex-stunner Daniella Westbrook with the blonde on the sofa.

It is the milf who has just signed-up to do Celebrity Big Brother.

Sunday, 27 December 2015

Bullshit Bollocks And Propaganda

The Art of PR.

For the sake of selling my book and getting good reviews I will have to "bite my lip" and rely on saying a lot of "bullshit, tosh and bollocks".

I`ve been advised for the sake of the book to come across as a bloke who still `loves his wife` . I have promised to give it a go - but not sure I can do it.

To be honest it depends on the feedback.

If I get called a "wimp" then I`ll come out fighting and say what I really think.

I know me better then most and to be honest I aint a good liar - it goes against my beliefs, morals and character cos lying aint in my DNA.

All the `love of my life` stuff in the book and my song "The One That Got Away" is complete bollocks, bullshit and propaganda - on the plus side it makes me look good and it rhymes - but it aint the truth - and to pretend it`s written from the heart `hurts`.

The fact of the matter is to please the publisher and close friends I will for now say nice things about my ex-wife.

They all reckon my daughter will be impressed and that she`ll want to contact me.

So as I love all my children I`ll give it a go.

But if I dont hear from my daughter before or shortly after her Birthday then I`ll not only speak the truth I`ll reveal the TRUTH.

My sons "Dont" claiming my daughter will never forgive me ... but the fact is if she already HATES me I have nothing to lose.

So for now I will ignore my own `voices in my head` and do what others advise.

Will it work?

We will have to wait and see.

Danniella Westbrook?

Why have I been sent a picture of Lucy with former Eastender Daniella Westbrook?

The email with attachment sent via Hotmail but from a different account to the ginger Bow wow picture and the message from the `boyfriend`.

What game is being played?

Friday, 25 December 2015

The Ginger Bow Wow Picture

Christmas Day

Sam and his girlfriend just left and `Sam the Man` reckons his sister did NOT send yesterdays picture of the ginger bow wow prevost with Lucy.

He reckons it was sent by the ginger slag or taylor (his mother).

Saturday, 19 December 2015

Punk Rock Stories And Tabloid Tales (The Chapters)

Punk Rock Stories And Tabloid Tales

The Chapters

Introduction by Garry Bushell

1. Life After Death

2. A Born Rebel

3. Schooldays

4. Teenage Tearaway

5. The Buzz Kids

6. Boys Of The Empire

7. Sex And Drugs And Rock And Roll

8. Sounds And The Stone Roses

9. When The Punk Poet Met Wacko Jacko

10. The Sun Has Got Its Hat On

11. East End Boy And West End Girls

12. Garry And Julie Johnson The True Story

13. Till Death Us Do Part

14. My War Against Essex Social Services

15. Showbiz Scams

16. Celebrity Stories

17. Five Heart Attacks And 29 Days In A Coma

18. Princess Diana`s Boyfriend Saved My Life

19. The Hounds Of Fleet Street

20. Poloroid Pictures And Porn Films

21. Saturday Night Specials

22. Dead Men Can`t Talk

23. The Seeker Of Truth And Justice

24. The Punk Poet And The Daily Mail

25. The Return Of The Punk Poet

26. Making A Album With Soren Sulo Karlsson

27. The Truth The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth

All content supported by Legal, Police and Medical Documents.

Friday, 18 December 2015

The Punk Poet Pictured At BBC Radio Essex

THE PUNK POET at BBC Radio Essex for interview on the SADIE NINE SHOW...

Thursday, 17 December 2015

Garry Johnson on BBC Radio Essex


Click on the #play ICON...


Venue: Chelmsford

The Punk Poet talks about his Record and Book


Garry starts talking after 2 Hours 12 minutes


after 2 Hours 48 minutes and 30 seconds is described as "Quite Cute"

Garry is back on the show in February and has accepted the offer to co-present a punk show called AL and Gal...

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Why Does My Daughter Hate Me?

Every year as we come up to Christmas, without doubt the most emotional time of the year, I ask myself even more then usual "Why does my daughter hate me?"

There are obvious reasons - those being the diet of lies she`s been fed by her mother, the taylor family, the williams mob and ginger slag prevost.

What my daughter doesn`t know is that all these people poisoning her mind are not impartial or neutral.

They have an agenda as between 1989 to 2005 they all hated me.

More importantly they did NOT know me,

The Facts:

The williams mob:
I am being very generous with my numbers - but I would say that between 1989 and 2005 - I only met them around 10 / 12 times.

They did not know me.

The Ginger slag prevost: I would say hand on heart that between 1989-2005 the most we ever met was no more then eight or nine times.

She did not know me. The ginger dog slagged me off but never knew me.

If you think I`m lying meet them `face to face` and look them in the eye and ask "when he was married to my mum how many times did you meet my Dad?".


When my daughter reaches 16 I hope she checks out the following FACTS to discover whether or not I`m telling the TRUTH.

1. The taylor family:
They were not my kind of people - small-minded, old-fashioned, bigoted, racist.
Little Englanders who hated blacks, gays, Jews and anyone who was not like them.

They were straight-laced National Front supporters who worshipped Enoch Powell loved Alf Garnett and didn`t like me because I was a Rock and Roll Rebel who was open-minded, a liberal and free spirit.

a) Not once in 15 years did I ever go for a drink with mr taylor

b) Myself and the taylor family were like "chalk and cheese"

c) Out of respect for your mother and her feelings I did not fall out with them - I just kept my distance and all contact to a minimum.

Part of my personality is that if I don`t like someone I just ignore them - both Sam and Adam have inherited this character trait.

Maybe you too - which could explain why you ignore me lol.

d) I wont waste your time going on about my 15-year feud with the taylor family so best you ask the taylor family the following questions.

1, How well did you know my Dad?
2. Did you ever socialise with him?
3. Did you ever hear him swear in front of a women?
4. Did you ever see him drunk?
5. Did he make your daughter happy?
6. Did he always make your daughter laugh?
7. Was he a funny bloke?

Look them in the eye when you ask:

The FACT is they dis-liked me because I was a Rebel, a Liberal with a "anything goes" and "Live and let live" attitude to life.

I am told you are a very intelligent teenager so consider this:

If they never liked me throughout the 15 years I was married to your mother - let`s be honest - they are not going to suddenly like me after we separated.

I won`t go on and on about this as more examples will appear in both "Adult Stories And Tabloid Tales" the follow-up to "Punk Rock Stories And Tabloid Tales".

So for now I will finish by saying it is no way NOT your fault for having a low-opinion of me...I perfectly understand.

As a kid you have grown-up on a diet of lies fed to you by the taylor family, the williams mob, ginger prevost and God knows who else.

But you deserve to know the TRUTH.

I have written Punk Rock Stories And Tabloid Tales and writing "Adult Stories And Tabloid Tales" in case I am not around when you become 16.

Dead men can`t talk so I`m putting all the facts on-the-record.

To prove my honesty I willingly admit the dislike of me by the taylor family, williams mob and ginger prevost is and always has been mutual.

I hope that when you are 16 you will ask your mum the following questions:

1. Did Dad ever cheat on you?

2. Did Dad ever hit you?

3. Did Dad ever hurt you?

4. Is Dad telling the truth when he claims he "loved you to bits" and describes you as "the love of his life"?

5. Did Dad make you laugh all the time?

6. Did Dad make you happy?

7. Was he a great Dad?

8. Is it true that he NEVER hit Sam, Adam or me?"

To prove what a great Dad I was ... how easy-going l was ... how much I loved my kids ... look her in the eye and ask:

"Is it true you once said to Dad...`you never say no to them...if I asked if they could have a donkey in the garden you would say Yes` "

Ask her if that is true ... very important because it confirms what a easy-going and fun-loving Dad I was.

So why does my daughter hate me?

Well as I`ve explained the taylor family, the williams mob and ginger prevost had an agenda to attack my character.

I honestly have no problem about them hating like I said the feeling is and always has been 100 per cent mutual.

My objection is the way these adults conspired and ganged-up to brainwash and poison the mind of a innocent child.

That is unforgivable.

I have repeated all these facts in "Punk Rock Stories And Tabloid Tales" and when it`s published it will be interesting to see if any of them sue for slander/libel or decide to question any of the content.

I personally believe there silence will speak volumes as they know that every single word in my book is one hundred percent fact.

Part one of my autobiography is if you like a `Trojan Horse` ... as a lot of stuff has been `saved` for Part Two of my life story which I plan to publish next October.

I censored myself because I need to create a `bit of a name` for myself before I publish all the sensational stuff.

The book, the CD and then the film will give THE PUNK POET a new profile ... the return of The Cockney Rebel.

I also edited myself because SAM said "you can`t put too much in because you`ll embarrass my sister and she`ll get teased at school".

So that is why part two is in on hold until next October.

Then I will reveal all and use extracts from all the `secret` documents I obtained by going to The High Court and using The Freedom Of Information Act.

Essex County Council were ordered by the highest court in the land to handover every single document.

The court also lifted the `gagging order` on the film Saturday Night Specials and my book Till Death Us Do Part.

This fact will be used in PUNK ROCK STORIES AND TABLOID TALES.

Hopefully next year I will find out why my daughter hates me.

I am genuinely confused and puzzled.

My honest belief is because of "brain-washing".

It`s not my fault.

1. I certainly didn`t ask Adam to walk in on his mother and discover her half-naked in the lounge with her perverted boyfriend.

2. It wasn`t me who asked Sam`s mum to hit him so hard he had red marks and bruising all over his back.

3. It wasn`t me who asked julie to admit on oath and in a signed statement in a Southend Court that she starred in porno movies.

4. It wasn`t me who told lies to Social Services, the police and the courts about Sam and Adam.

5. It wasn`t me and I ADMIT it wasn`t julie who asked her boyfriend richard grimson to violently threaten and verbally sexually my children.

6. But it was julie`s decision NOT to press charges against her lover.

7. A pervert who admitted both the violent threats and verbal sexual abuse ... a ponce who worked as a pimp in and around Romford,

8. FACTS that won`t just appear in Punk Rock Stories And Tabloid Tales but also feature in the 3000 plus documents I obtained using the Freedom Of Information Act.

So why does my daughter hate me?

Well it`s due to brainwashing and being fed a diet of lies but I hope she`ll read a copy of my book when it`s published in January ... listen to my CD and get in touch.

Dead men cant talk so everything is going on-the-record and I hope she contacts me.

I want her to look me in the eye and ask a 100 questions.

She can question me face to face and for the first time in her life hear the TRUTH.

I would be more then happy for her mum to be sitting next to her...I have no objection to Sam and Adam being in the room as I have nothing to hide.

Every word in this blog...every paragraph in PUNK ROCK STORIES AND TABLOID TALES and every claim I`ll make in Adult Stories And Tabloid Tales will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the TRUTH.


Sunday, 6 December 2015

Taylor, Grimson, Brown, Newton, Saturday Night Specials And Till Death Us Do Part

Julie Taylor/Julie Johnson,  grimson, brown and newton coming soon the ALBUM , a BOOK and FILM ... all telling what you tried to hide and cover-up ... that being the TRUTH ... the whole TRUTH and nothing but the TRUTH.

All FACTS supported by legal documents which will be repeated and repeated and repeated from every angle in all my publicity interviews for the Album, Book and Film.

For all GUILTY parties there will be no hiding place left as I reveal all the evidence I discovered between 2005 and 2010 ... The TRUTH will become public knowledge and my `job` will be done...

The Seeker of Truth and Justice can die and go to that great big Tabloid newspaper in the sky with a massive satisfied grin on his face.

Knowing that music fans, book lovers and film goers can hear, read and listen to me telling my stories and re-living my great Court victories removing the `Gagging Orders` on Julie`s pornographic movies Saturday Night Specials , Dressing Up And Stripping Off, Basildon Babe, Essex Escort and novel Till Death Us Do Part.

Back in 2005 I made a promise to myself and more importantly my children that I would expose all those involved and `name and shame` all GUILTY parties ... I have more then kept my promise ... `Mission Accomplished` .

When the time comes I will not have given my life in vain ... Dead Men Cant Talk ...but they can leave a legacy ... and I sure have left a long and lasting one.

Just as I promised I would.


With film producer Sandie West