Saturday, 30 January 2010

Punk Journalist

Armed with a packet of speed, a black Bic biro, A4 notebook and no qualifications I blagged a job as a music journalist.

I lasted three years at Sounds music magazine and got away with writing hundreds of articles and live reviews.
I was a third-rate writer but my `gift of the gab` enabled me to make friends with the right people.

I dont know how I pulled it off - but I ended up travelling the UK, staying in five-star hotels and all expenses paid.
I was hanging out and partying with some of the biggest names in rock and pop - and enjoying every minute.

I was `living my dream` 20 years before Jade Goody lived hers on Big Brother. I was taking lorry loads of speed and meeting heroes like David Bowie, Rod Stewart and Debbie Harry.

I hung out with some of my punk idols and `discovered` The Stone Roses - the then unknown Brit Pop pioneers sent me a demo tape - and you didnt have to be Mystic Meg to predict they were going to be massive.

We met up in Manchester and after a `wild weekend` on their patch I brought them back to London - where unbelievably they were at first turned down by every major record label.

I did all their publicity and they stayed at my flat, living off marmite on toast and MacDonalds milk shakes.
We had some great adventures and I really hit it off with Ian and Reni who shared my love of amphetimine sulphate.

One night Ian and Reni appeared on stage at The Cockney Pride with my old mate Frankie Flame.
The Man Utd duo even joined in with Frankie`s rousing rendition of "I`m Forever Blowing Bubbles" - how much would a tape of that performance be worth?

Jam guitarist Bruce Foxton offered to produce them in the studio. Can you imagine if that had happened - would there of been an Oasis?

Things were going nice and starting to happen - and then I blew it - the story of my life LOL.

I went on a massive bender and the next time I saw The Stone Roses they were appearing on some BBC TV show with Tracy McLeod.

A mod a heart I got to hang out and become mates with Bruce Foxton. We partied together, played snooker, shared a mutual love for Columbian marching powder and went to each others weddings.

I can still see Julie dancing with Bruce on our wedding night and feeling so proud of her. It was like something out of a movie - my wife dancing with a pop star at my wedding.

She looked like a Princess in her white wedding dress and Bruce sporting his Ziggy Stardust haircut.

Me, the former Borstal Boy with a lifelong infatuation with organised crime had gone legit.

Every night was a Saturday night and I spent most lunch-times hanging out at press launches knocking back free booze and evenings snorting coke at after gig parties.

Life was one-long party. They really were the best days of my life and the high was only topped by becoming a Dad.

Thursday, 28 January 2010

The Story So Far


From now on I will just be adding extracts from every Chapter. This is because it will take far too long to write the entire book online.

The Punk Poet is finished and will be on sale soon.

I am hoping that the extracts will give you a flavour of the book and tempt you to buy it for the bargain price of £4.99p

The following Chapters are...

Punk Journalist
Marraige MOT
Tabloid Tales
Julie Johnson From Polaroid Pictures To DIY Porn
Let History Judge
A Political Prisoner
Personality Profile
The Beat Street Poet
From Football Pitch To Fleet Street
Julie and Me / The Early Years
The Fallout From Adultery
After She Left
Being A Dad
From 25 Overberry Street To 64 Chestnut Road
The Hardest Thing About Being A Single Dad
Stripped Bare
Basildon Babe / Shotgate Stunner Julie Taylor Johnson
Extracts From My Diary
A Campaign Of Terror Against My Children
The Cheating Wife
The Football Trainer, The Supermarket Worker and The Pimp
The Charges Against Richard Grimson;
Grimson Made Julie Pregnant And Gave Her STD
The Opposition
The Making Of Basildon Babe Adult Movies
Julie Taylor Johnson / From Loving Mother To Pimp Plaything
Fighting The System
Face To Face
Letters To My Daughter
Her Father Tony Taylor Was A Nazi
The Shotgate Slut
Confessions Of A Dead Man
Fatal Attraction
Three Endings
The Final Word

All the best
Love on ya

Garry Johnson


Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Teenage Wild Life

Chapter Eight

My schooldays ended at Fourteen and I spent the next three years in and out various institutions.
I was not a nice person, but you had to be `horrible` to survive - because the people you are mixing with (screws and cons) - are mostly low-life scum.
If you show any `feelings` or any form of `kindness` it is considered a `weakness` and you`ll become a target for the bullies (both in and out of uniform).

There I go again - I really dont like bullies and I`m sure this is a theme we`ll return to later in this book.

At Eighteen I became a man but didnt grow up. I spent five years sleeping on friends floors and living on strong lager and fast drugs.
I was a 24-hour Party Person with a lifestyle of one-night-stands, hangovers and comedowns.

I lived fast and was tipped to die young, but the truth is I was looking for love. Was I searching for the future Mrs Johnson?

I had not been loved or been in love since I was a 14-year-old teenager. My dad was more of a `heroic figure` then a dad and Lynne Stanford was just a schoolboy crush.

Then a chance meeting in East London pub would change my life.

The wannabee plastic gangster discovered Punk Pock and sort of entered the wonderful world of Showbiz.


Chapter Seven

What can I say and who really wants to know?
We all probably look back at our schooldays through rose-coloured spectacles and think they were the best days of our lives.

So I will whizz you through this period of my life as I dont want to bore you to death.
I was born in East London but grew up in Essex.

I am a genuine Cockney born within the sound of Bow Bells.

My dad said I was born in the same hospital as pop legend Marc Bolan and The Kray Twins.
Does that explain my love of East End gangsters and Rock music?

I was a schoolboy soccer star. A white Pele and Cockney Georgie Best. What did I say about rose tinted spectacles?

Looking back a couple of incidents at school made a big impression on me that have lasted a lifetime.

I remember one Sunday evening walking through the bushes at the back of my local park.
It was a short cut to my house and just getting dark.

I was just Thirteen and came across a gang of older boys from my school. There were six of them all standing around and laughing.
Most I knew by name and some were elder brothers of my mates.

As I got closer I could see what they were doing.
The 6 standing up were keeping lookout and watching while three others were undressing a girl from my school.
They had her pinned to the ground though she wasnt screaming or struggling.

I was shocked and at the same time confused, as I was not expecting to see what I was seeing in front of me.
When I first spotted them I just thought they were smoking or drinking cans of beer.

But the three boys on the floor were undressing this girl. I knew her name, she was Sixteen and one of the best-looking girls at my school.

When I arrived they were just removing her dress and now she was naked. I was only just 13 and although I had seen naked women in magazines, this was the first time I had seen a naked girl in the the flesh.

I was embarrassed and (ashamed to admit) sort of excited at the time - it was a new experience for me - but I was also angry as I knew right from wrong and this definitely seemed wrong.

Part of me wanted to tell them to "leave her alone, part of me wanted to runaway, but I was sort of rooted to the spot and couldnt stop looking.

The leader of the gang - who was 17 said: "Not a word to anyone or else"

And I didnt - and the guilt of not saying anything has haunted me ever since - and I think that explains my hatred for Grimson.

Of course I hate him for stealing my wife, but I hate him even more for violently threatening and verbally sexually abusing my children.

Since that Sunday night over my local park I have always hated bullies, child abusers and rapists.
Looking back I know I should of spoken out - but at that age you dont grass - and some were the older brothers of my mates.

But if I came across the same situation now I would of course do my duty. But in my defence I was only Thirteen at the time.

About five years later I saw the same girl at a party and couldnt talk to her without blushing. I was terrified she would recognise me as the skinny 13-year-old with his eyes popping out of his head.

Even though I was only a `innocent bystander` and not involved in the `attack` I wanted to apologize - but couldnt bring myself to say "sorry" in case it embarrassed her more then it did me.
But part of me will always think I was wrong to stay silent. And I`m convinced it was that incident that explains my pathological hatred for bullies.

I hate them all, political tyrants, rapists, wife-beaters and child abusers.

The rest of my schooldays involved football, girls, fashion, music, drink and drugs.

Life After Adultery

Chapter Six

I would like to put-on-record that before she started sleeping around and left in June 2005, Julie was, or at least I thought she was the nicest and most `loyal  and lovliest` person I had ever met in my life.

She was the perfect wife.
A wonderful loving mum during the day and at night a dirty little whore in the bedroom who was always up for everything.
I had the best of both worlds. What more could a man want?
But now I fear it was all an `act` and perhaps I never really knew the woman I was married to for 15 years.

In the past 4 years JULIE TAYLOR JOHNSON since becoming a `sex slave` for perverted pimp Richard Grimson she has had a complete personality makeover.
Dressing like a cheap tart, a clone of her new `scummy friends` and choosing to believe the lies of her boyfriend rather then the truth of her children.

With me JULIE willingly and happily made porn movies like BASILDON BABE and SHOTGATE SLUT over a 12-year period...but her perverted boyfriend...a former pimp...who made her pregnant and gave her a STD boasts: "I`ve got her working as a Escort Girl"...adding "I even drive her to the punters houses in Romford".

My sons and me will never forgive her for linking up with a former pimp and a verbal child abuser.

She wont be bothered or lose any sleep by my refusal of forgiveness - but she`ll have a lifetime of regrets for choosing to put her `personal lust` for Grimson before the feelings of her own children.

Julie wont believe me, but the truth is, I would never of gone public about her `porn films` if my children had not suffered 18 months of violent threats and verbal sexual abuse.
I was angry - because more then anything else I am a Father.

The pain of her betrayal was nothing compared to the hurt I felt for the suffering of my innocent children.
It is the duty of every dad to protect his children from low-life scum and child abusers like Richard Grimson.

The last time I spoke to Julie was in the Somerfields car park at Wickford. I told her about the violent threats and verbal sexual abuse suffered by our children at the hands of her boyfriend richard grimson.
She just smirked.

And like her parents and sister did nothing. I dont think it even crossed her mind to report him to the police.

The last time my sons spoke to their former mum was a few weeks later. She turned up unannounced and uninvited at 22 Bridge Road.
It was almost 10pm and SKY football had just ended.

There was a knock at the door and to my amazement Julie was standing there. I dont know if I was more shocked by seeing her or her appearance.

For the only time since we first met she was not immaculate, wearing make-up or looking stunning.
She was dishevelled, scruffy and looked like she needed a bath. Her usually straight her was uncombed and almost curly - and after she my children commented on her rough appearance.

I dont know why I said "hello" in a friendly manner or asked her in. I think I was in a state of shock.

Both boys told her about the sick and disgusting behaviour of her boyfriend. They looked her in the eye and told her to her face...

And her reaction?
At first she laughed and then snarled:
"Richard said it never happened and I believe him" adding "you are lying little shits". She sided with her perverted boyfriend against her own flesh and blood.

This incident happened in March 2006 and is the last time she was in the same room as her children.
who have not seen or spoken to her since and never will.

She left shouting "I`m moving to Wales and you will never see me again". And before she sped off in her Puma sports car - the motor she bought with grimson - I had to restrain both boys from smashing it up.

Now that incident together with the sick and disgusting behaviour of grimson explains why both boys decided of their own accord to disown her.

Added to the fact that a family member caught her `in the act` and in her underwear with grimson the day before she left - and the fact - confirmed by social services - that she assaulted another relative minutes before walking out - prove both boys have genuine reasons for refusing all contact with Julie.

But until recent months the SS and the corrupt courts refused to treat my sons as human beings with feelings.

Back in 2006 they all agreed with Julie and believed that `child abuse` was no big deal so I ended up in Bellmarsh Prison.

My ex-wife was under the influence of a person I personally compared to Ian Huntley, Myra Hyndley and Ian Brady.
And my daughter was under the same roof as this pervert.

But at the time nobody else was concerned about the safety of my children (three years on and I have recieved both verbal and written apologies - all my concerns vindicated) - but at the time I was hitting my head against a brick wall.

I got no support from Julie, her parents, the courts, the police, Social Services. And worse my children got no help, support or protection.

Nodody cared that Grimson had sick `sexual fantasies` about a 5-year-old girl and bragged about them to JULIE TAYLOR JOHNSON and his common-law wife Emma.
What truly puzzles me is the behaviour of my ex-wife as it has never been explained in court or in her various statements.

Now if she was a `woman scorned` I could just about get my head around it - but it was her who had the extra-maritial affairs.

And it was her perverted boyfriend who carried out a `campaign of terror` against our children.

So why has she stopped me from seeing my daughter?

We were together more than 15 years so she knew my character - and knows I would be a great dad to a little girl.

I aint posh - but I love the theatre and all things showbiz. I would of taken her to pantos, the pictures, concerts and blagged tickets to things like Dancing On Ice or The X factor.

Julie knows this so why does she not allow contac?

I would of taken her to dance classes, acting lessons and things like TV commercial auditions and Julie knows this.

And if my little girl had been a tom boy I would of been just as supportive about her playing netball, football or athletics. I would have been a `hands on` dad encouraging her in everything.

So why does Julie stop me seeing her? She hasnt given me a single reason but a famous Agony Aunt has given me a explanation.

She believes that because I was/am so close to my sons that my ex-wife `feared` me having a special relationship with my daughter.

And this could also of been why she broke-up the family.

I told the Agony Aunt just like I told a Counsellor: "Before my wife left I already had a special relationship with my daughter  - she was only 4 but was already a `daddy`s girl`.

I couldnt leave the house or go to the shops without her wanting to come with me. She sat on my lap watching TV and loved me picking her up from Play School"

I didnt realise at the time that this `upset` Julie. I told the Counsellor and the Agony Aunt how on Thursday
and Sunday nights she would sleep in my bed and fall asleep as I told her stories.

Her mum worked nights and my daughter had a routine that she loved.

As her mum drove off she would jump on my lap to watch The Simpsons and would love jumping into my bed for stories.

It would always be `one more dad` and I would always finish with the one I made up about `the Big Red Bus full of animals that landed on the moon`.
She would get so excited and laugh so loud that her brothers would tell us to be quite"

The Agony Aunt and Counsellor both say Julie would of had affairs and left even if I hadnt had `stress related bedroom problems` because she was scared of `losing` her hold over over my daughter and was fearful she was becoming more and more of a daddy`s girl.

I can see that now and it all makes sense. They both told me "Julie already felt she had grown apart from my sons as they got more into football and `boys things` and was scared of your daughter becoming dependent on you`.

They are the experts - not that I agree with counselling - I reckon most is a `load of tosh` - but I can see where they are coming from.

Julie knew I was a very loving, liberal, touchy-feely, hands-on sort of dad. And one of the nicest things she ever said to me proves that.
She said:
"If you come in one night and I said the kids want a donkey in the garden - you wouldnt blink and would just say `yes` "

And that is true.
Likewise she was also `eccentric/understanding` - how many wives/mums would allow her husband and kids to put up a full sized snooker table in the lounge and put up with us all having to crawl under it to get to the door?

Well Julie did for months. And it`s things like that (and there are many more ) that make her `support` for a child abuser so hard to understand.

How/why does a loving mother betray her children to be with a fat ugly borderline paedophile?

And she must know that separating me from my daughter would make me ill. She knew I would suffer on a daily basis.
So why did she do it?

She hoped it would destroy me and prayed it would kill me. She phoned once and we put her call on loudspeaker and the boys heard their former mum and ex-grannie (mrs taylor) screaming "we want you dead - we wish you was dead".

The fact is she wasnt `a women scorned` - she was a serial adulterer - so why is she `punishing` me let alone a `innocent girl` by preventing her from seeing her dad or brothers?

One day she will have to answer that question as time does not stand still. My daughter isnt Four anymore she is 9 and when she is a teenager she will demand answers and want to be told the truth.

And she will hear it - the boys will make sure of that.

It is now 2009 and every day we get closer to the truth as bit by bit more evidence is hander over and little by little The Local Authority admit they got it wrong - but in 2005 and 2006 it was me against the world.

Back then the social worker said: "You will never win. you will never beat the system"

My own barrister even said "The court isnt interested in the truth its who the judge likes the look of"

The judge refused to accept my evidence and the statements of my young relatatives - they all conspired with my ex-wife to cover-up `child abuse.

But that was then and this is now. The goal-posts were moved and we started to play on a level playing field.
And thanx to Justice Mumby the truth is out in the open - and no more can the corruption be swept under the carpet or hid behind closed doors.

But in 2006 and because I refused to remain silent or allow it to be `swept under the carpet` I was branded as `mad, bad and dangerous` and banged up in Bellmarsh.

Julie became the Eva Braun of Wickford and Grimson was her Fuhrer. Since walking out in June 2005 she has spent all her time and energy smearing my character.
And always behind closed doors.

My friends have heard her at the school gates bragging "I did it I got him locked up - I convinced them he`s mad".
She even threw a party to celebrate and her father was heard boasting in the local British Legion.

It did her no favours as it all got back to my sons.

Even now I dont think her friends, family or work colleagues know the truth. She has used the secrecy of the family courts to keep her adultery and the sick behaviour of her boyfriend a secret.

But unluckily for her and fortunately for me two proper judges (Lords of the Realm) at the High Court lifted all reporting restrictions.

For 4 years she has stopped me from seeing my daughter and seperated brothers from sister.

In the past 48 months I have seen my daughter for a grand total of 250 minutes and always under the strict supervision of Cafcass security guards or Gestapo style Social Workers.
I was convinced that one day they would make me wear a concentration camp style uniform and brand me with a number.
They treated me like a Jew in 1930s Germany or a black in apartheid South Africa.

For 4 years the authorities fired her bullets - but `thank god` that has all ended. The Authorities are no longer her hired assassins.

And what Julie forgot - her big mistake apart from `dumping` her sons to be with a child abuser was that `time doesnt stand still`.

I am convinced that her mind was scrambled. She was infatuated with grimson, being urged to lie by her solicitors and enjoying being the `star attraction` she forget that in future there would be a `day of judgement`.

And in the summer of 2011 she really will be the "star attraction" when Basildon Babe - the best bits from her porn movies is released.
The only reason I am holding back is because I dont want my youngest son teased at school - but the day he hangs up his blazer it will be on sale.

Julie was so happy at being the centre of attention she forgot that when my daughter is older she will ask her `why dont I see my dad or my brothers?`.
And when she is 16 she will ask me the same questions.

That is when with the help of my `Letters To My Daughter` the personal accounts of both boys and the legal statements and documents from 2005 to 2009 that my daughter will know the truth.

She will know all about her mother having affairs, cheating with grimson and the violent and verbal sexual abuse suffered by her brothers.

PRINCESS will be told how the three of us with the support of her legal team were stopped frm visiting her in hospital and having contact.

It will then be for my darling daughter to decide what she does with the information and how she reacts.
I have a `heart problem` and so might not be around when my daughter is Sixteen - but I have made certain she will still know the truth.

1. The boys will tell there sister everything for me.
2. I have given a signed copy of The Punk Poet to a friend.
3. I have copies of all my statements and documents hidden in a friend`s loft.
4. I have my `Letters To My Daughter`
5. My friends will give her the information
6. My eldest son has given a interview to the press
7. I have told my story to a legal advisor and a MP - so it is all documented, on-the-record and timed and dated.
8. Social Services now accept that her boyfriend grimson is a pervert.

So you see one day my daughter will know the truth about her mother.

Monday, 25 January 2010

The Nearly Man (cont)

At Thirteen I was the local football star. At 14 I was the neighbourhood naughty boy on his way to a series of Remand Homes, Detention Centres and Borstal.

I would spend the next five years angry, running wild and getting into all sorts of scrapes and trying all sorts of illegal substances.
And although I committed most of the crimes I was convicted of I blame my Dad for my criminal career.
He was the real `guilty` one not me. But as usual he got off `Scott Free`. Not once in his entire life was he punished or held to account for his selfish actions.

Have any of you noticed the striking similarities between my `love rat` dad and cheating wife JUIE TAYLOR JOHNSON?

This isnt self-pity on my part, just a statement of fact. They are both selfish bastards, two of a kind and perhaps that is why they got on so well.

But taking a positive from a negative situation. I believe my chequered childhood and broken home helped to make me a great dad.
I was determined from the day my children were born to always love them and never leave them.
I made it my mission in life to always protect them against all the horrible things and bad people in the world.

That is why Richard Grimson must be exposed for the child-abusing perverted bully that he really is - and why friends of mine are planning to name and shame the scum on the Internet.

I reported him to the police for threatening my two sons with violence and for the verbal sexual abuse.
I told the boys in blue how he bragged and boasted of `sex sessions` with my wife involving my daughter.

I would now like to address something that I know a lot of you will be thinking. Be honest You are thinking.

Why with my background - didnt I sort this borderline peadophile myself?

Well I have been asked the same question by my sons, various friends and even my dad who said:
"If I was 20 years younger I would go round and kill the bastard"

But I listened to the words of wise man and genuine tough guy philisopher Jamie O`Keefe who said:
"Garry do you really want to spend the rest of your life in prison for just five minutes of revenge?"
"Do something with your life and make your kids proud of you"

Jamie was right and I chose to take his advice on board. My sons have asked "Dad why dont you do him or have him done - you know loads of people?"

And I have said to my boys "If I did take revenge think of what I would miss? All your football matches, your 18th and 21st Birthdays. Weddings, Engagements and 20-odd Christmas`s"

Adding "Do you really want us to be seperated for that long because of a pervert?"

I think they understand. I hope they understand - though both my sons have said "We wont be kids forever and when we`re older we`ll have a word"

I sincerely hope they dont.
I dont want them getting into any trouble because of what a perverted coward did to them and their sister.

I hope I have made the right decision in turning the other cheek and making words my bullets.

There have been moments when I have weakened. On one occassion two `heavies` were dispatched from London and they caused quite a stir when they arrived at my house.

One was close to 7ft (I aint lying) my youngest son was so impressed by this giant in the middle of our lounge that he got his mates to come and have a look.

The guys spoke to the boys then 12 and ten and told them "were gonna sort it for you and your dad"

We went in their car and pulled up outside Grimson`s house. It was about 4pm but nobody was at home.

We parked across his drive and waited for about 15 minutes. My heart was beating and I was dreaming of him being `slaughtered`.

But looking back him being out did me a favour as I am still walking about as a free man and seeing my kids every day.

I wobbled once more a few months later when Grimson claimed he was having sick `sex sessions` with my wife and daughter.

This time through a close friend I made contact with a top London face who invited the boys and me to his home.

It was like visiting the set of a gangster movie - there were heavies, minders and colourful characters everywhere.

The gangster patted my sons on the head saying "I`m a dad myself and will sort this for your dad" adding:
"Dont worry cos real tough guys dont threaten kids"

I aint saying anymore - But I do know for a fact that a visit to Grimson was made and the violent threats and verbal sexual abuse stopped withing 24 hours.

I got phone call saying "He squeeled like a baby - you wont be hearing from him again"

And we aint.

But part of me still wishes he was dead. And that does not make me insane. I was asked by the shrink in Bellmarsh?

"What do you think of this man who violently threatened and verbally sexually abused your children?"

I replied; "I hate him"

He asked:"How would you feel If I told you he was dead and had been runover by a bus"

I said: "I would be very happy"

He smiled before saying: "A perfectly natural reaction" adding "If I was in your shoes I`d feel exactly the same"

I would like to ask the authorities why I was arrested for trying to protewct my children?

After interviewing Grimson the police said:
"Mr Johnson we have visited your daughter and we are satisfied that PRINCESS has not been physically harmed"
I obviously said "Thank god for that" but asked "what sort of man - if thats what you can call Grimson - would fantasise about sex sessions involving a five-year-old girl?"

In my opinion "a pervert". A normal man of 38 would not say such a thing about a 5-year-old little girl.

And remember this character has form and no respect for women as he was once a pimp in the Heath Park area of Essex.

I complained that my daughter should not be under the same roof as a `borderline paedophile` but no one in authority would help.

And this may sound `weak` considering all what my ex-wife has put me through - but I was also concerned for her safety.

What was Grimson forcing her to do? Was he putting pressure on her to do things against her will?

And before you say I am `off my trolley` let me explain. The truth is before Grimson got his hands on her body and his poison into her brain she was a `good women`.

I aint joking, she was.

The JULIE TAYLOR JOHNSON I knew for 15 years would not of let a pervert terrorise her children. She hated `child killers`, nonces and peadophiles just as much as me.

So why did she allow Grimson to carry out a violent and perverted campaign against our three children?

Did he have some kind of hold over her? This is a point I will come back to later in the book.

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

The Nearly Man (cont)

Chapter Five

Up until then I had been a promising schoolboy footballer and could have been a genuine contender.
I was the third best for my age in the entire county, well that is what people in the know said at the time.
The other two were only slightly better then me and both went on to become professional footballers.
One for West Ham and the other with Charlton Athletic but I ended up in Borstal.

I was watched by West Ham and had trials with Leyton Orient, QPR and Southend - but after my dad left my heart werent in it and I quit.
So just like Georgie Best I retired prematurely and swapped my football boots for bovver boots.

There was no way I was going to let the same thing happen to my sons. Ever since they started playing mini-soccer at the age of Five I had been at every match and nothing was going to change that.

I was a good player but they are both better then I ever was, whereas I was a `fox in the box` or should that be a glorified goal-hanger, they both have natural talent (and they pass) LOL.

Both boys have already eclipsed my personal football highlight. My greatest match was a Under 13 Cup Final where I scored two goals in a 3-1 win and got Man Of The Match.

That was my `World Cup` and the peak of my brief football career. But that is nothing compared to Sam scoring a brilliant 30-yard volley for West Ham Under 11`s at Chadwell Heath and playing in a Under 13 Cup Final at Roots Hall.
Adam played for West Ham Under 9`s , played at Stamford Bridge and scored 3 goals in two Cup Finals at Roots Hall.

Both boys have trained and played for West Ham, Leyton Orient and Southend United.

And West Ham fans will appreciate this. Last season before breaking his leg my youngest son was training with Millwall and I had to wash the kit LOL.
And my oldest son has just signed a two-year apprenticeship with Chelsea to become a trainer - and I have to wash that kit as well.
It still looks odd seeing those Blue shirts on the washing line.

From the age of Six they both attracted the interest of professional football clubs and I wasnt going to let Joolz leaving for a perverted pimp ruin their chances of making it as footballers or growing up happy.

I dont say all this to brag about their achievements but to pay tribute to their brilliant characters.
Despite losing their mum who they have not spoken to since 2005, being put into care and seeing their dad wrongly sent to prison they have continued to play football.

In the past 4 years they have been on-the-run staying in over 20 `safe houses` all over Essex and East London.
They have been arrested and locked-up, but like me they have never been beaten or had their spirit broken.

They have been dragged out of bed and chased down the street by the Old Bill and on one occassion our house was stormed by 8 coppers who pulled up in a SPG van and body armour.
They were 15 and 13 at the time and not Reg and Ronnie Kray - but were treated like Public Enemy Number One.

And they have also been threatened with violence and verbally sexually abused by their mothers boyfriend.

That is why I am so proud of their achievements and pleased both are about to have trials with a local semi-pro club.

They have also risen above the emotional abuse of their mother. On my son`s 15th birthday did she send him a card and a present?

She sent a letter (a copy is now with the SS and my new legal team) in which she slaughters me and tells them a `pack of lies`.
Thank God I have legal documents including medical records which confirm I am telling the truth.
A MarraigeMOT certificate would of helped (which is why I have set it up to help others).

But I would like to ask women who read my book the following question.

Is Depo-Provero a birth control drug, a diet aide or a injection to stop you smoking?

The truth is that because of `illness` I stopped having sex with my ex-wife in October 2004 so why would she start having birth control injections (Depo-Provero) in the December and continue to have them until she left in June 2005?

I know why because she was seeing other men including Richard Grimson. So how can she write a letter to my sons claiming to be the `truth` and `from the heart` without mentioning this fact which is in her medical documents.
It is not an allegation I have dreamed up or written on a scrap of paper it is in an official document.

She claims in the letter "I never called you lying little shits" forgeting that on the night of February 10th 2006 she called both boys "lying little shits" to their faces.

How can she forget and send such a letter full of lies without being `guilty` of emotional abuse?

Both boys told her about the violent threats and verbal sexual abuse they had suffered at the hands of her perverted boyfriend Richard Grimson and she smirked before replying: "Richard said it never happened and I believe him - your`re lying little shits"

The letter is now in the hands of others and for them to judge if it is emotional abuse. And I would just like to add that Grimson refused to take a Lie Detector test when accused of threatening my children and having an affair with my ex-wife.

He even admitted his sick behaviour to the police and blamed it on `too much drink`.

The truth is Grimson phoned my sons on February 8th 2006 and said "I am the man who is F*****g your you want to see the pictures?
"Do you want to see the pictures? Your sister is in bed with us and she takes them"

Now If anyone doubts the truth of that statement check with Basildon Police who will confirm Grimson admitted saying it.

And is referred to in every legal document I have in my possession plus I repeated it on oath at the High Court.

The press were in the gallery and it is on-the-record. A statement of fact.

Another important fact not mentioned in her `emotionally abusive` letter to the boys is that she admitted on oath that she did have an affair and commit adultery with Richard Grimson.
She can deny it to her family and friends but her admission is recorded in official documents that both boys can read when they are older.

So why write such a letter?

It makes even less sense as both boys know what she said to them on the same night she called them "lying little shits".
She screamed at them "Richard f***s me, sees me naked and you had better get used to it"

What a charming thing for a mother to shout at her sons. But say it she did and it is something she cant take back or words they will ever forget

In the letter she also lies to her sons saying "The day I left was spur of the moment and not planned".
She forgets to mention that she told Michelle Alexander, a mutual friend, of her plan to leave two weeks previously.

The conversation took place at Gloucester Park Sports Stadium.
She also convienently forgets that a young relative came home and caught her half-naked and `at it` with Richard Grimson on the day before she left.

What was she doing half-naked at 3pm in the afternoon?

And she insults the intelligence of my relatives by forgetting that Grimson`s common-law-wife phoned and told them of the affair between JULIE TAYLOR JOHNSON and her husband.

Emma even revealed the address of the house they were sharing on 10 Carswell Gardens on The Wick.

These are facts that explain why both boys have no contact with her and why I believe her behaviour and the letter is proof of `emotional abuse`.

The Nearly Man (Cont)

Chapter Five

I had a happy childhood and loved every minute of it. Not strictly true.

It was fantastic untill I was Thirteen, but the next 3 years were like something from a Jeremy Kyle Show, though I didnt realise it at the time.
For three years I was out of control, running wild, wasting my youth and looking for love. Looking back that is probably the story of my life.

Life was great until halfway through my first year as a teenager when my dad pissed off to set up home with his latest bit of fluff.
My mum `f****d` off to Manchester and I ended up in care.

I lost my home, my mates and my freedom so I was 100% determined that when JULIE TAYLOR JOHNSON `walked out` to be with Grimson that history would not repeat itself.
But back in June 2005 I didnt realise she would have the ability to convince everyone into believing I was a combination of Charles Manson and Hannibal Lector.

She used the Family Courts to keep her eight month affair and adultery with Grimson a secret - but I would not be silenced.
I wanted the world to know about her three affairs and went to the High Court where all reporting restrictions were lifted.
At last the affair with Grimson was out in the open. It is now on-the-record and quoted in official legal documents.
Members of the press were in the public gallery and the details were in their notebooks. At the highest court in the land it was revealed she started having birth control injections 3 months into the affair and 6 months before she left.

But that is now and what follows is then.

For two years my ex-wife denied the affair in public (though in February 2006 she did admit it in a heated face to face encounter with my two sons).

But in public kept up the pretence of innocence. She conned her family, friends, police, social services that she was not an adulterer and that I was `mad and bad`.

She even convinced herself that her lover was not a married man, former pimp and verbal child abuser who carried out a `campaign of terror` against our children. Grimson`s disgusting behaviour included violent threats and sick sexual claims.

In 2007 she admitted her affair with and accepted Grimson had carried out a violent campaign of terror against our children.
But her `confession` came too late. I had already been sent to prison and found `guilty` of planning to carry out 7 murders on phoney evidence based entirely on her lies and a report by Harley Street shrink Dr Best.

The dodgy doctor later withdrew his flawed document and refused to take the oath or repeat his claims in the Witness Box.

But because of all the lies, smears and inuendos not only did I end up in prison but my children in care.

But I would not be silenced and continued to challenge and fight for justice. I was on a crusade to reveal the truth and clear my name.

I was determined to make sure my children would not suffer the heartbreak of a broken home or the stigma of being in care.
I took on the system, the state and `little by little` the truth started to come out, as you will see later in the book.

I got an official apology and my sons were returned to my care but that doesnt give back the time I spent in prison or the 199 days that I was kept from my children.

It is now universally recognised that all the claims I made for almost five years are true. And more importantly and what should shame every one of those who passed judgement on my family is that all the allegations made by my children were also true.

My early childhood was brilliant. My dad was more like a big brother, but he always `loved` other women more then he loved my mother or me.
His hobbies were football, gambling and chasing skirt.

He never hit me, he never physically hurt me, but emotionally he screwed me up for life.

Men like him should never be parents as they give decent blokes a bad name. Bastards like him are not rapists or paedophiles but they do almost as much damage to women and children.
I might sound old-fashioned but women are the weaker sex and children are born innocent and it is men like him who hurt are harm them.

I am not a prude.
I am not a born again bloody Christian and I enthusiastically indulged in one-night-stands and slept around before I was married.
But as soon as I got engaged `that was it` I was a one women man and if blokes cant live up to their wedding vows they shouldnt get married.

I have got no time, admiration or respect for men who cheat on their wives or walk out on their children.
And that is why I have no feelings for my dad.

I remember coming home from school one Friday afternon (as if it was yesterday) and my mum was nowhere to be seen.
My dad was on the phone and sort of talking in code, but at the time I thought nothing of it.
I was only Thirteen and just wanted to get changed and go football training.

The next morning still no sign of my mum and that afternoon dad just dissapeared. There was no "goodbye", no kiss or cuddle.
He just gave my mate and me a couple of bob and he was gone.
I guess that was his version of the tacky carraige clock that you get when your time is up at the factory and your no longer wanted.

My mum was AWOL and I was in a state of shock.

The Nearly Man

Chapter Five


Please read this novel with an open mind and in the spirit it was intended. If you can forgive me for revealing our `bedroom secrets` your adult movie career and `killing` lover boy Grimson you will hopefully see that the rest of the book could almost be considered a `love letter` as I praise you far more then I criticise.
The aim of this novel is to expose your perverted boyfriend Richard Grimson as a bully boy and verbal child abuser.
And to ask why you gave up your family to be with a former pimp.
Believe me, it has never been my intention to hurt you in any way and I am talking past, present and future.
I apologise for including you but can hardly write my autobiography without mentioning my wife of 15 years and the mother of my 3 children.

I wasnt going to mention in detail `BASILDON BABE` and your other porno films but as you blatantly lied in that letter I will mention everything.

The plot, the costumes, the dialogue and may add a few pictures from the videos.

And before you get the hump how do you think I felt when I read your letter?

You accused me of being mad, claimed you left on the `spur of the moment` and forget to tell the truth.

That being you told Michelle Alexander of your plans 2 weeks before leaving and forget to mention taking all my money and selling my car - plus buying a new one with your boyfriend.

And the rest of the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth will come out during the rest of this book.

Love on ya


I heard a top author on TV say: "Always write about what you know" so here goes.

The hero of this autobiography is nicknamed `The Nearly Man` because he failed at everything he tried.
Football, boxing, crime, Rock`n`roll and marraige.

At 14 I gave up a promising football career because of a `family bereavement` - well that`s what it felt like at the time.
The truth is my dad `pissed off` to be with the latest in a long line of fancy women.

Broken-hearted I hung up my football boot, but looking back I should of carried on being the Georgie Best of Essex.
I thought at the time by turning my back on football I was getting back at him for `walking out` on me, because he was a ex-professional with Leyton Orient and Brentford.

It had always been his ambition for me to play for West Ham United, but I thought `sod it` I`ll show him, but it was a gross misjudgement on my part.
He didnt care so my sacrifice didnt work, It didnt bring him back and I didnt get to pull on the famous claret and blue shirt.

The truth is my old man was a 100% selfish bastard and never a doting dad. He was more of a phoney than Tony Blair.
Boxing was a passing phase, probably because I wasnt very good at it. I could take a shot and had a head like concrete, but I lacked the killer punch.
I wasnt a Sugar Ray Leonard in the ring or a Mike Tyson on the cobbles. I never felt comfortable with a gum shield in my mouth, well that`s my excuse and I`m sticking to it.

I come from a mixed marraige. My mum was a Catholic and my dad was a two-faced lying bastard.
A selfish man who couldnt keep his hands off anything in a skirt. I worshipped him as a kid but hated him as an adult.
My ambition was to be the opposite of him. I wanted to be a family man, a great dad and a faithful husband.
I am proud to say I was all three, but still lost my wife and family.

Please dont think of this book as a a `whitewash` of me or as a `character assassination` of my ex-wife.
Believe me it is neither.

When I say I was faithful to JULIE throughout our 15-year marraige it is 100% true.
Though the truth is it aint that hard to be faithful when you are genuinely in love with your wife and believe in your wedding vows.

But that doesnt make me an `Angel` and dont want to portray myself as some kind of Saint. It is easy to be faithful when your wife looks like a page 3 girl and a combination of Joanne Guest and Patsy Kensit.

Joolz was a wonderful women with a great personality and a wicked sense of humour. She was also an animal in the bedroom with the sex drive of a high class call girl.
So now you know why part of me still misses her. I think most men would.

Mum was a Paddy and my dad was a athiest who worshipped his reflection in the mirror and the women in his bed.
How they ever got married is beyond me. They were chalk and cheese.
She was happy to stay at home and be a housewife whereas he was a `ladies man` with a roving eye and wandering hands, but he was no Casanova or man of taste, as he went for quantity not quality.

All mum wanted was a happy home. All he wanted was another pint, a copy of The Sporting Life and another conquest in his bed.
But as a kid I didnt know that.

To me he was just my dad and a bit of a hero. He was a former footballer, Al Jolson impersonator with flashy clothes, good looks and more jokes than Frankie Boyle.
Then he left without a word of explanation, just like Joolz would in 2005.

The bastard `fucked off` and just like Joolz didnt give a moments thought about the consequences or the hurt it would cause other people.
As long as he was happy that is all that mattered. He was just one selfish bastard throughout his life.
Self-centred, vain, mean and convinced that the world resolved around him.

When he left I was in `pieces` but I refused to cry or show any emotion. Inside I was hurt , heartbroken and the pain would last 25 years as would the the hatred for the slag he married.
The bitterness ate away at me and that was a mistake as the only person I hurt was myself and I honestly believe that played a huge part in Joolz walking out on me.

I hate the bastard for ruining my childhood, mixing up my head and for losing me my wife. I am sure that there is a `link` between him walking out and Joolz leaving me for another man, or should that be pond-life pimp and pervert?

Perhaps my dad walking out made me wary of trusting people. Maybe he scarred me for life and unknowingly I didnt show Joolz how much I really loved her.
But then again she did `betray` me, so maybe I was right all along, the people you love the most let you down and hurt you the most.

But I dont know if that is true, a fact of life or can be scientifically proved. I am not a Harley Street shrink or Siegmund Freud.
Maybe I was just unlucky in having a `selfish bastard` for a dad and a `love rat` for a wife, two people who preferred lust to love and other people to me.

But what attracted them to both to dog ugly people with no morals or feelings for others?
For my dad it was a chain-smoking double of Yootha Joyce from ITV sit-com George and Mildred.
For Joolz it was a former pimp and deadringer for Shrek.

I will never know the truth, but I truly believe that my evil stepmother isnt just rotting in hell, she is also pulling the strings and partly responsible for Joolz cheating and my family falling apart.
We had a feud that lasted 25 years. It was mutual loathing. She hated me and I despised her and I truly believe she is having the last laugh and meddling from beyond the grave.
Maybe she did have the final word after all.

As I said earlier when my dad left there was no explanation, no words of comfort, no consideration for my feelings.
Not even a hug - let alone a goodbye kiss.

Looking back it was a mirror image to the departure of JULIE TAYLOR JOHNSON some 25 years later.
It was cold, brutal, soul-destroying and completely out of the blue.

Sunday, 17 January 2010

Boys Of The Empire

Chapter Four

Boys Of The Empire

I quit rock`n`roll after killing off The Buzz Kids and re-invented myself as `Oi The Poet`, appearing at gigs with The Business and The 4-Skins.
And I wrote The Story Of Oi generally regarded as the only genuine account of the first street-punk scene.
I also published two volumes of peotry, the cult classic `Boys Of The Empire` and `Living In A Police State`.
Boys Of The Empire was praised by Sounds, New Musical Express, Time Out and The Guardian newspaper.
Punk magazine Noise called me "The voice of a generation",

But the truth is I was still a frustrated rock star. I re-wrote Suburban Rebels, a great song that still sounds fresh today but my demo was crap.
I convinced myself I sounded like Paul Weller, but most people disagreed.

Luckily for me Lol Prior, an old mate and former member of the ICF was manager of South London punk band The Business.
He loved the words and persuaded them to record it.

It was a brilliant decision on his part. Singer Micky Fitz did such a great job that in a recent Internet Poll `Suburban Rebels` was voted the third New Punk record of all-time.

But The Business recording my song wasnt enough for me as I still wanted to be a rock and roll star. I formed various second-rate bands and Garry Johnson and The Fab Four were the best of a bad bunch.
We recorded Boys Of The Empire, it sold 300 copies but we split after three gigs.

My next shot at stardom was a short-lived double act with my old mentor and living legend Frankie `Boy` Flame.
Together we recorded If Looks Could Kill. It flopped as a single but has appeared on a number of Punk compilations.
I loved that record and still do, but the problem was everyone else including Frankie hated it.
Boys Of The Empire and The Story Of Oi got all the praise, but for me If Looks Could Kill was my finest hour.

I was doing so much speed at the time I truly believed I was Ziggy Stardust. In my mind I had become a recording artiste and could die happy.
I had achieved my ambition.

It didnt get to Number One in the charts and I didnt appear on Top Of The Pops but I did perform live in front of 3000 people at a open air rock concert in Kent.

How many people have done that?

Maybe I set my sights too low - but for me, that was the greatest high of my life untill I met the women of my dreams and became a dad.

There was no follow-up single so once again I concentrated on writing and performing as a punk poet.
But showbiz was in my blood so when I was offered the starring role in `A Day In The Life Of A Beat Street Poet` I jumped at it.

It was a Canadian TV production and I convinced them I was a actor and myself it would lead to Hollywood stardom or at least a small part in Eastenders.
But of course neither happened.

So once again I returned to writing, finally convinced that maybe I wasnt born to perform in front of the camera - though many years later I would write, direct and produce a number of highly praised Independent porno films including `BASILDON BABE` - `DIRTY DANCER` - `THE SHOTGATE SLUT` and `Dressing Up And Stripping Off`.

For the next 15 years I freelanced as a journalist.

After my divorce Garry Bushell told me about the worldwide interest in my poems, street anthems and protest songs.

The History Of The Buzz Kids

Chapter Three

The history of The Buzz Kids. One live performance and Eight Songs.

Here follows a review our only performance got in Sounds Magazine

Garry Bushell wrote.

I wonder if that peerless pop pioneer David Bowie knew what he was inflicting on us when he recorded The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust and The Spiders From Mars. A classic concept album for sure, but ever since then, doom-laden youths have been recycling his ideas and boring the rest of us to death.
This East London five-piece make the sort of music that ought to accompany a three-hour documentary on the life and times of East Berlin gravediggers during a major plague.
They`re dull, grey and grim. The Buzz Kids sound like Gary Numan in a tumble-dryer, look like anorexic ants and just listen to their song titles:
Deadend Yobs, National Service, They Wore Black Shirts, If Looks Could us a favour! Just reading the set list is enough to bring on depression at a clown school.
All these David Bowie copy-cats are a bore. What makes Bowie great is his ability to change and challenge.
He`s never been stuck in a rut, he doesnt rip off other people`s ideas. Dig out all the albums, listen, learn and do your own thing.
Buzz Kids singer Garry Johnson is a piss-poor pub performer who is never likely to break out of that cul-de-sac.
Garry will appear on Top Of The Pops around the same time that Pinky and Perky touch down at Heathrow Airport.

That review killed the band and signalled the death of a wanna be pop star and the birth of a Punk Poet.

Here are the lyrics to our Eight songs.

National Service:

Born in a city of tower blocks
Alcatraz without the rocks
Sent to overcrowded schools
Beaten up if you broke the rules
And our mothers sit and cry
Cos they know were gonna die

We beat the boredom with slimming pills
Go to the seaside in stolen wheels
Bunk offschool every other day
If we get caught they make us pay
So we watch out for the boys in blue
You never know whose watching you

Soldiers wearing pin-stripe suits
Want us to march in bovver boots
Army life they say is fun
Clear the streets of all the young
We want you to go to war
And kill another countrys poor

We are the class who fight their wars
Sometimes stael from department stores
You know the kids that their kind hates
Cos we live on council estates
So they`ve invented a new state game
Playing soldiers is the name

The Buzz Kids:

Buzz kids of the neighbourhood
Never do and never should
Take any notice of what you say
Or wave flags on empire day
Just write graffiti on the wall
And never go to Sunday school

Buzz kids of the world unite
Dont see things in black and white
Who wants to wear a uniform
National anthems make me yawn
I`ve had enough of the marching beat
Get the soldiers off the street

From Oxford Street to Gretna Green
Tanks and soldiers can be seen
Carry your passport wherever you go
Answer questions just yes or no
Smart kids just be deaf and dumb
Always walk and never run

Scotland Yard and their book of rules
Suspect the kids who take the blues
Hands in your pockets beware of the law
And always remember to bolt your door
Buzz kids and the girl next door
Dont wanna play in your cold war

Ballad Of The Young Offenders:

Working class boys are sent away
To learn a lesson so they say
Give them three months custody
A bit of para-military
With circuit training every day
So they`re too tired to run away

Wake them at six to scrub the bogs
Black or white call them dogs
And your marching everywhereIn itchy prison underwear
Detention centre and borstal boys
For hateful screws were just toys

Doing three months of early nights
Trying to sleep with all the lights
Miss your girlfriend and all your mates
Locked outside the prison gates
But were all taking lots of stick
In and out the bloody nick

They cut your hair and dare you to swear
And silly clothes they make you wear
Even if your in for stealing cars
They still drug you behind bars
Playing doctors night and day
All your rights are taken away
Always in private so the public cant see
What they do to you and me

They Wore Black Shirts:

They wore black shirts and carried guns
All their women looked like nuns
Trigger-happy we knew their names
But we couldnt place their aims
I know they believed in civil war
And got horny reading 1984
All there cars were bullet-proof
But they never told the truth

I know they recruit all of the time
From building sites and the assembly line
Burning bibles and quoting God
To those who are in the firing squad
Something to do with state control
Tapping the phones of who know
And sending people to work on farms
With barbwire fences and burglar alarms

They wore black shirts and overcoats
And took away the teenage votes
Sunday drinking had to stop
Said the son of god and crooked cop
And they built walls all over town
So we all ripped their posters down
Think we stopped them just in time
Just before the midnight chime

War Games:

When Hitler was high on speed
The Royals played golf in our hour of need
And working class boys were sent to die
As Churchill`s friends told another lie
The world war games go on and on
Vera Lyn sings the same old song
And we are thirty years on
Playing around with the atomic bomb

World war three is blowing in the breeze
Half the world are refugees
And politicains should hang from trees

The world war games go on and on
Press the button drop the bomb

Suburban Rebels:

Suburban rebels playing at reds
You would be urban terrorists
You dont scare us with your badges and banners
You know fuck all about heavy manners

You think your hard when your on TV
But trendy wankers dont scare me

Suburban rebels from public schools
You got big mouths but little balls
Wave hammer and sickles never Union Jacks
You got yellow streaks all down your backs

Suburban rebels piss me off
Mummy`s a swinger and daddy`s a toff
Urban terrorists dont make me laugh
Buy a bar of soap and have a bath

You think your class when your on TV
But trendy wankers dont fool me

They`re the sons and daughters of well off bankers
Tom Robinson`s army of trendy wankers
Middle class kiddies from public schools
Who write their slogans on toilet walls
Got lots of mouth when your in a crowd
But your alone you dont speak loud

Deadend Yobs:

Deadend yobs got boxing football or rock`n`roll
If they`re any good at to save `em from the dole
But even if ya make it certain people will say
You`re still no good and you`ll be no other way
Cos you dont talk proper your accent aint true blue
You was born in a house in Hackney with a outside loo

They could be gangsters they could rob a bank
They could join the army learn to drive a tank
No hope, no luck, no future when you`re down and out
When your at the bottom nobody hears you shout
And authority keeps knocking you on the heads
From the day you`re born to the day your dead

School report read "your no good you`re a deadend yob"
Might just make it in a deadend job
So you break all the rules in and out of school
Getting into trouble nothing else to do
And when they nick us dont they bleeding love it
Sod the system gotta rise above it

Deadend yobs kids like me and you
We all know this story is true

If Looks Could Kill:

Bright lights hookers on blues
Kids with nothing left to lose
This is life in London town
Where Buzz Kids go to hang around

If looks could kill I`d be dead

Young lives wasted by knives
Teenage brides and mail-order wives
This is life in London town
Where Buzz Kids go to drown

If looks could kill I`d be dead

And some of those lyrics didnt die. They become recorded songs.
The Business `Suburban Rebels`
Insane Society `National Service`
Frankie Flame `If Looks Could Kill`

Another song from that era was also recorded
Klasse Kriminale `No Land Of Hope And Glory`

And all those lyrics appeared in my book Boys Of The Empire.

The Buzz Kid / Garry Johnson

Chapter Two

I was born in East London and grew up in Essex. I am a genuine Cockney born within the sound of Bow Bells.
My dad who was a lying "so and so" said I was born in the same hospital as The Kray Twins and pop legend Marc Bolan.
If true, maybe that explains my life-long love of Cockney gangsters and Rock and Roll rebels.

A chance meeting in a East End boozer with Fleet Street legend Garry Bushell changed my life. At the time he was a punk writer on Sounds.
I was convinced I could sing like David Bowie. I looked like a wasted Rod Stewart and shared Rod`s obsession with sexy blondes.
I`ve had a lifelong addiction to them. My motto at the time was "If she aint blonde she dont see my wand".

It started with a schoolboy crush on Lynne K. Stanford and carried on until I met my wife. The loves of my life have all been blonde.
Bottle or natural it didnt bother me.

So I was with Rod on women, fancy football and fast drugs. Sadly that is where the similarity ended.
Rod the Mod had the voice of a black soul singer whereas I sounded like a Bethnal Green barrow boy.

The month before meeting punk legend Garry Bushell I formed a band with four other West Ham fans and former skinheads.
We called ourselves The Buzz Kids. We were a punky glam rock band with attitude, dodgy haircuts, big ideas, but little musical ability.

Our local pub had a Friday night Rock Club and we blagged a support slot. We were the warm up act for the legendary Frankie `Boy` Flame. The cockney charmer was the Ace Face on the London pub scene.
He was Ian Dury meets The Jam with sing-a-long anthems and a skinhead following.

We were sharing a dressing room and lines of speed with the "great man" and a half-naked groupie - we thought we had died and gone to heaven.

We had eight songs , no tunes and borrowed our equipment from a 60`s tribute band. And as you can guess we were rubbish.
In fact so bad our debut gig was also our last.

I was so `out of it` that I didnt hear the boos or the laughter. I really thought we had cracked it. I mistook the jeers for cheers and was convinced we were the future of rock & roll.

I confidentaly approached Garry Bushell and asked:
"What do you reckon?" There was no immediate response. "Good werent we?" I carried on.
He reply was blunt and straight to the point. "shit" he snarled,

Me, not deterred and under the influence of `Billy Wizz` said; "Yeah, but I did look the part didnt I?"
The Godfather of Oi who wrote for Sounds and also managed The Cockney Rejects replied:
"You reckon? I dont. You sound like my dog and look like Sid Vicious...if you was to dig him up tomorrow"

And said with more venon than the combined bitchy putdowns of Piers Morgan and Simon Cowell.
Bushell went on: "The band cant play and you couldnt sing or carry a tune in a bucket...but I do like the lyrics...who writes the songs?"
I said "I do"
"Well take my advice" Bushell said "Give up the singing and stick to writing"

It was advice I`m glad I took.

Saturday, 16 January 2010

Chapter One of The Punk Poet

Chapter One

On the morning of Christmas Day 2007 I woke up alone in a freezing cold house.

Three years earlier I had woken up next to a warm naked body, a beautiful blonde with a heart of gold and a bum that most women would die for.
The house was full of noise and laughter as our three kids called for us to watch them open their presents.
This time the bed was cold and empty and the house was silent. For the first time in my life I was alone on Christmas morning.
What could I do?
What did I do?

I could of swallowed a handful of tablets and emptied a bottle of Vodka down my neck, but I didnt.
I put on a Christmas album and started writing this book.

The sentimental slushy `Lonely This Christmas` by 70`s glam rockers Mud brought a tear to my eye, but Fairytale Of New York by The Pogues inspired me.
As I said earlier, I`ve always been attracted to rebels and preferred the teachings of Ziggy Stardust and Johnny Rotten to Jesus Christ.

Shane McGowan is my kind of rebel. A true punk and a real poet. When he sung the line "I could of been some-one" he seemed to be talking to me. His words spurred me on. I started writing this book and knew I had the strength to fight on.

I was `some-one`once and knew I could be again. I was proud to be The Punk Poet and be feted in the music press as a voice of the streets.

I left school with no qualifications - not even a English O`Level - yet I still consider myself a man of words - even a philosopher.
Groups from all over the world have sought me out on MySpace and turned my poems into rock songs.
Bands like The Business, Maninblack, Klasse Krimale and Insane Society. I am honoured and flattered.
Steve Whale called me "a genuine punk poet" and that makes me feel proud - almost as proud as I am of being a devoted dad.

My children mean the whole world to me and for that I was locked up in a top security prison, betrayed by my wife, abused by the system - but they couldnt break me.
As always I bounced back. I am proud of myself again and at last I can look myself in the mirror without feeling weak or worthless.
I have an inner strength that I didnt know I had.

And just like Chumbawumba sung "I get knocked down but I get up again, you aint ever gonna keep me down"

Two phrases are lodged in my brain "What goes round comes around" and "Never forgive and never forget".
I hope my enemies are reading this.

I once sung "Deadend Yobs got football, boxing or rock `n`roll - if there any good at to save `em from the dole"
And that`s a fact of life. They`ve also got crime. I was a bona-fide deadend yob from the arse-end of Hackney.
I tried and failed at all four and sadly now you can now add marraige to that list of shame.

My nickname is `The Nearly Man`.

Football, Boxing, Rock `n`roll, Marraige - I did my best but it werent good enough..

As for crime, well I gave it my best shot. I was out of control as a kid and fearless as a spotty teenager. but I wasnt very good and kept getting caught.
I did time in various Remand Homes, Detention Centres and Borstal and did it standing on my head.
No problem, no regrets. But at Eighteen I developed a social conscience, I decided crime does not pay for a reason. It is wrong.

Truth is, crime is a `mugs game` unless your a Ace Face or a Mister Big at the top of the food chain.
I know it`s not politically correct but I still sort of admire The Kray Twins and The Great Train Robbers.
I truly believe that Freddie Foreman is one of the greatest ever Englishmen. He is up there with Winston Churchill when it comes to leadership and loyalty. And Dave Courtney is a genuine loveable rogue and one of the most charismatic people I have ever met.
But at the same time I hate muggers, rapists, burglars, child abusers, wife-beaters and petty criminals.
When it comes to crime I suppose I`m a bit of a snob. I love genuine gangsters and colourful characters.
I`m a sucker for the Arthur Daleys of this world be they real-life or fictional.

So this is my autobiograhy. It grew out of a suicide note and the need to know why my wife left me for former pimp and pervert Richard Grimson.

What did she see in this fat tub of lard who sold women for sex and violently threatened and verbally sexually abused innocent children?

I wrote this book because I wanted the answers to every question. The Punk Poet started life UNDER ANOTHER NAME - The Banned Book - that was for legal reasons part novel whereas as this is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
I can speak out because in March 2009 at The High Court all reporting restrictions were lifted by Lord Justice Munby.

The Punk Poet / Introduction

The Punk Poet


I grew up reading about the underworld exploits of Reg and Ronnie Kray, the prison escapes of John McVicar and the adventures of The Great Train Robbers.
Hero-worshipping The Twins and watching great British gangster films like Get Carter, Villian and Performance.
Fact or fiction, it didnt bother me, I also liked Robin Hood, Jesse James, Dick Turpin and The Lavender Hill Mob.
Maybe because of my Irish background I have always been attracted to rebels.
I`ve always supported the underdog. The Jews in Nazi Germany. the Palestinians in Israel, the blacks in apartheid South Africa and the white working class outnumbered by asylum seekers on Inner City council estates.
If you`re being picked on I`m on your side.

I`m not a follower of leaders, politically correct, a loony leftie or a right-wing bigot. My view of the world is my vision.
It might not make sense and I accept that I am a mass of contradictions - but at the same time I`m loyal and honest.

I am at heart a working class liberal with middle class manners who hates the upper class and all it stands for.
I dont like the Royal Family, the Royal Opera or the British legal system. I`m not a political patriot - but I am a proper one.
I dont like people attacking my country or praising their own. I truly believe that nationality is just an accident of birth and where you are born does not make you superior or inferior to others.
To me Tony Blair and Anjem Choudary are both a pair of wankers. One a war criminal the other a traitor.
I`d bang `em both up in Bellmarsh with Gordon Brown, Sir Cliff Richard and Lord Mandelson.

I am an individual and not a member of any tribe. I am a outsider with no interest in borders, religion or party politics.
If you`re in trouble I`ll help if I can - but the only people I truly care for are my friends and family.
I believe in love over hate and loyalty before betrayal. And standing-up for what you believe even if the rest of the world thinks you are wrong.
My motto is "Never forgive and never forget" and by those few words I want to be judged.

That was a bit of a rant werent it? But that`s me, that is my moral code. Those are my personal beliefs.

I`m hoping that insight into my character will help you to understand why I had to slay an adulterer, a pimp and a child abuser.

Words are my bullets.

The truth is before I discovered Punk Rock I wanted to be a professional footballer or a gangster.
And before I met my wife I wanted to be a lifelong bachelor.

I gave up drink and drugs when I met my ex-wife and maybe swapped one addiction for another.
My feelings for her replaced my `lust for life. The party animal became extinct when I fell in love.

I didnt miss the booze but because of my personality I cant say the same about the drugs. I am probably wrong but I dont believe they did me any harm. I loved the buzz of speed and the kick of Charlie.
I love fast drugs - yet I hate cannabis with a passion and would be heartbroken if any of my children tried drugs.
See more contradictions or am I sounding just like a typical parent?

I spent 15 years "burning the candle" at both ends and couldnt go a day without a line of speed or snort of coke - but the irony is drugs didnt destroy me - I was destroyed by the women I loved.

I was betrayed by the "love of my life" and so hurt that one Christmas Eve I wrote a suicide note.
Not a lot of people know this but `Heartbreak Hotel` by Elvis Presley started out as a sucide letter.
Let`s hope this book sells half as many copies as that Rock and Roll classic.

It wasnt a cry for help because I was on my own and wouldnt of been found for days. But the truth is I couldnt do it - I couldnt desert my children.

I lined up all the tablets, I wrote all my "Goodbye" letters, but I couldnt stop thinking about my children.
And I knew if I went through with it I would be giving my ex-wife, her boyfriend and her parents the best christmas present they had ever had.

For three years the four of them had preyed for my death and I knew that by `taking my own life` I would be playing into their hands.
My stubborn streak and refusal to give them what they wanted more than anything on earth pulled me back from the brink and inspired me to write this book.

If I had committed sucide and taken the cowards way out imagine all the lies they would of told my children about me?
My ex-wife and her family would have crucified me. Her parents hated me alive but would of loved me dead.
But the truth is I am no quitter. I am so much stronger than they think and because of the love I have for my children I will be around for a very long time.

Sorry to dissapoint you Julie, but I am going nowhere babe, you wont be getting rid of me that easy.
I will be attending the weddings of ALL my children and look forward to becoming a `groovy grandfather`.
My ex-wife and her parents would love to dance on my grave but I am determined to live at least one day longer than the three of them.

Before I start my story I will try and explain my personality so you can see what kind of person I really am.
My all-time heroes are David Bowie and Rod Stewart. I loved Rod`s swagger, haircut, voice and taste in women.
And I worshipped Ziggy Stardust. I copied everything from the red spikey hair to the fast drugs.

All my life I`ve been attracted to rebels of all varieties from every walk of life. George Best, Hurricane Higgins, Steve Ovett, Johnny Rotten.
Even Maggie Thatcher - let me explain that one. I didnt like her when she was in power but I felt for her when all those chinless wonders and cowards stabbed her in the back.
Now what would a Harley Street shrink make of that?

What you are about to read started out as a suicide note on Christmas Eve 2007 and ended as a `fresh beginning` on New Years Day.
Over a manic ten-day period my "Goodbye Cruel World" letter was transformed into this book.

I cant explain my road to Damascus moment, I can only guess that on Christmas Eve when most people had a visit from Santa I had a visit from God. Some kind of divine intervention persuaded me to fight on.
I cried myself to sleep but woke up Christmas morning with a smile on my face. Well that`s not strictly true, I wasnt smiling but I was no longer suicidol.

My story will tell how I went from being a young football star to teenage tearway and how a chance meeting with music legend Garry Bushell transformed me into a punk poet and performer.

I will reveal all about my 15-year-marraige to the woman I considered the best-looking woman in the world, my best friend and soul mate.
And I know that some militant feminists and Julie herself will be `very angry` at me for revealing her `porno past` so please let me explain.

I am not doing it for revenge or because she had 3 affairs. I am revealing all about her 12 years of porn movies because she allowed her perverted pimp boyfriend richard grimson to carry out a campain of terror against my children - which included violence and verbal sexual abuse.

I am revealing that I have hours and hours of video showing Julie stripping, performing various sex acts and pleasuring herself because she has for 5 years stopped me from seeing my daughter.

The full content of her movie performances and the `stunts` she has pulled to stop me from seeing my daughter will appear throughout The Punk Poet.

I am already thinking positive and for when my novel becames a movie I have assembled a cast list.

Garry Johnson played by Ray Winstone
The young GJ by Danny Dyer
Julie Taylor Johnson by Patsy Kensit
In case The Punk Poet becomes a movie I have put together my perfect cast.

The young Julie Johnson by Charlotte from The Inbetweeners
The cougar Julie Taylor Johnson and Shotgate Slut Denise Van Outen.
The pervert richard grimson - Shrek would be `perfect casting` but it would have to be Minty from Eastenders.

Leading characters would be played by Amanda Holdern, Bradley Walsh, George Cole and Dave Courtney

David Baddiel as my barrister.
Susan Boyle as her barrister.
Clive Anderson as the the judge.
Principal Skinner the social worker Peter Brown (or a lookalike)
Les Dawson in drag as my ex-mother-in-law (or a lookalike)
Hayley from Corrie as her solicitor
Warren Mitchell (Alf Garnet) as my former father-in-law
Liz McDonald from Corrie as Sally Prevost/Griffin...but only because Lassie is dead.

The Synopsis

The Punk Poet - Permission To Kiss And Tell

When I wrote the punk rock classic SUBURBAN REBELS for The Business and the ballad `If Looks Could Kill` for South London Legend Frankie `Boy` Flame then filmed and Directed x-rated adult performer JULIE TAYLOR JOHNSON between 1992-2004 in the porno movies Naked House Tour, Dressing Up and Stripping Off  and the legendary Basildon Babe collection I never imagined that one day my story would be published in books like Cockney Rebel, The Gangster Of Slang , The Punk Poet, be a Internet hit and then be turned into a screenplay by Garry Bushell.


The Punk Poet is a autobiography, a love story and gangland thriller. A kiss and tell blockbuster that will shock Middle England.
It is a revenge novel and a romantic epic. A modern day Romeo and Juliet for the Punk Generation.

Deadend yobs got football, boxing or rock `n`roll to save them from the dole. The hero of this book tried and failed at all three - and you can now add marraige to that list.
That is why Garry Johnson is nicknamed `The Nearly Man`. At 14 years old he gave up a promising football career because of a `family bereavement` - well that`s what it felt like at the time.
The truth is his dad `pissed off` to be with the latest in a long line of `fancy women`.

Broken-hearted he hung up his boots - but looking back he should have `carried on` being the Georgie Best of his district.
He thought at the time he was getting back at his father for `walking out` on him - but it was a gross misjudgement on his part.
His dad didnt care. It didnt bring him back and Garry didnt get to pull on the famous claret and blue shirt of West Ham United.

Boxing was a passing phase - probably because he wasnt very good - he could take a shot and had a head like concrete - but he lacked the killer punch. He wasnt a Sugar Ray Leonard in the ring or a Mike Tyson on the cobbles.
Then there was sex and drugs and rock and roll. No problem with the first two. He was a natural but he couldnt sing and thats a big problem when you want to be a singer.
Deluded he formed a band called The Buzz Kids and their debut gig was also the last - I think that tells you how bad they were.

Garry thought he had finally `cracked it` when he met Julie. A blonde beauty with a size 10 figure and a bum that most women would die for.
In his eyes she was the best-looking girl in the world and he thought he was the luckiest bloke on the planet.
It was mutual "love at first sight" - but after 14 happy years it all went `pear-shaped`.

Julie committed adultery and her boyfriend Richard Grimson (a former pimp and pervert) declared war on Garry`s children.
The Punk Poet is the story of a devoted dad "fighting for justice" - but instead of dressing up as Batman - Garry joins forces with East End gangster Harry Harris and puts five symbolic bullets into the head of Grimson.
One for himself, one for Julie, two for his sons and one for his daughter.

As you can tell by the synopsis it is no ordinary autobiography or crime thriller. It is a real-life adventure story that has been giving the "green light" by a top London lawyer.
So if Richard Grimson wants to sue I say "bring it on fat boy" - I have nothing to fear from a former pimp and verbal child abuser".

And although I do reveal the `bedroom secrets` of our 15-year marriage and describe in graphic detail the making of porn movies like Basildon Babe - it is not a `whitewash` of me and a character assassination of her.

I will reveal the truth about her affairs with Richard Grimson and others - but I will also take my share of the blame.

I was `guilty` of losing us the big house (a home that Julie loved and was proud of). If only I had not had `money worries` - if only I had shared them with her - but pride made me pretend everything was OK.

In the last three years of our marraige I was "guilty" of not paying her enough attention and concentrated on being a `great dad` rather then a `good husband`.

But I was not to blame for the stress that stopped me performing and pleasing her in the bedroom.

As that is one of the `side effects` linked to stress.

I am fine now ... everything is in working order ... and everything would of been OK between us had she waited - but instead of waiting she started sleeping around - first with one of our sons football trainer - then a work colleague - before falling under the spell of Grimson.

So this is not a hatchet job on my ex-wife who was once the `love of my life` - it is just a true and balanced account of my life and our 15-year marraige.

It is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. A factual account of my life before Julie, with Julie and after Julie.

I will now list 100 Facts and if Julie wishes to challenge any of them I hope she`ll agree to a Lie Detector Test or sue me for libel.

So Julie:

1. When we met you was having an affair with a married man called Derek and his wife named you in their divorce.

2. Before we met you briefly worked as a pub stripper - and as I told social worker peter brown I only found out about 18 months after we married.

3. You started having birth control injections in December 2004.

4. You caught a sexual disease from grimson about 7 months before you left in June 2005

5. Grimson your perverted boyfriend claims he made you pregnant - I dont know about that - but he did give you a `sexual disease` and before you deny this - I have copies of your official medical records.
And as well as confirming your `medical condition` they show you did put on 11 pounds during the period grimson claims he made you pregnant - so "dont shoot the messenger" - I am just quoting your boyfriend and extracts from your medical records.

6. The Saturday before you left a relative came to the house at 3pm and caught you in your underwear and alone in house with boyriend richard grimson.
In court you claimed "I was undressed because I`d just got up from doing nightwork" - the corrupt judge believed your lie.
But the truth is you worked Thursday nights and not Fridays.

7. The Sunday you left you beat SAM up in front of Adam and Lucy leaving two red marks on his back.

8. In the weeks before you left ADAM `caught you` with football training Ian Flemming

9. You stole £3600 from my account

10. You stole £770 cash

11. You took my car, sold it and then bought a Puma sports car with grimson.

12. You lied to the police and got me arrested for 7 attempted murders.

13. Your boyfriend grimson violently threatened and verbally sexually abused SAM , ADAM and LUCY and you did nothing to protect them.

14. You willingly made porn movies between 1992 and 2004. It was not as you told social worker peter brown "a one off to please Garry".
The camera does not lie and reveals not only various hairstyles (in one your natural brown) but it also features a number of different bedrooms and lounges.
The 8 minute sequal of you `stark naked` with your legs spread wide and drapped over the arms of a cream armchair and `pleasuring` yourself with a toy police truncheon is not the same lounge where you are rolling about stark naked on a blue leather sofa.
Different rooms, different hairstyles, different body shape (pre-motherhood and after becoming a mum) prove your `porno films` were not a one-off.
As `BASILDON BABE` and all the best bits in the compilation `Porn Star Julie Taylor Johnson/Walthamstow to Wickford` confirms.

A bit cheeky I now but julie I would you like to watch a copy and then explain how you age 10 years, change hairstyles and appear in different bedrooms and lounges?

We are featured having full sex and oral sex in five different bedrooms, three different lounges and 2 different bathrooms. I know 64 Chestnut Road Pitsea was a pretty big house but it didnt have that many rooms.

The other porn movies starring JULIE TAYLOR JOHNSON were filmed at:
11 Shirley Gardens Basildon
30 The Gables Basildon
22 Bridge Road Shotgate Wickford

Foreword by Garry Bushell

Foreword by Garry Bushell:
"Garry Johnson was the first Street-Punk poet and more. Part John Rotten, part Orwell.
Gal`s words painted vivid pictures of rebel youth growing up in a world betrayed by scumbag politicians and media whores.
His poems and song lyrics were a window to a teenage underworld or unemployment, violence and little blue pills of deadend yobs in stolen wheels.
But he balanced that nihilism with a passion for life and a raging social conscience.
Garry hated bigotry as much as he despised what passed for authority.
He was `Oi The Poet`, the real voice of the streets. Accept no substitute."

With much love, the author dedicates "The Punk Poet" to his three children. SAM, ADAM and LUCY.
TV pundit and punk legend Garry Bushell, he had sod all to do with the book but he buys a decent lunch.
He would also like to acknowledge the inspiration of The Sex Pistols, Paul Weller and all the `rebels with attitude` without them this book would not excist.
Writer Jamie O`Keefe whose words of wisdom came at the right time, telling me "be creative and make your children proud".
Special thanks also go to Diane for all the help and support she has given me. And to Bobbie for looking like Amanda Holden and bringing me back to life.

Dead End Yobs got football, boxing or rock`n`roll
If there any good at to save `em from the dole.
I tried and failed in all three departments and then I discovered Punk Rock. I heard "Anarchy In The Uk" and stopped wanting to be Georgie Best, David Bowie or Reggie Kray.
I discovered that the pen was mightier than the sword.
It had always been my ambition to play for West Ham United or be a boxing champion. But I lacked the dedication to pull on the famous claret and blue shirt or the `killer punch` to be another Iron Mike Tyson.
SoI ditched my football boots, dumped my gloves and replaced them both with a biro and a notebook.
I fell in love with amphetamine sulphate and punk rock. I was a 24-hour party person with a lifestyle of one-night-stands, hangovers and comedowns.
I lived fast and was tipped to die young. I was convinced I could sing like David Bowie with the attitude of Johnny Rotten. I looked like a wasted Rod Stewart but sounded like a spaced out barrow boy.
I formed The Buzz Kids and was convinced it would launch me into a world of showbiz parties, page 3 girls and guest appearances in Minder. We had swagger, attitude, big ideas - but not a hope in hell of making it onto Top Of The Pops.
We were high on `Billy Whizz` but low on musical ability. We had seven songs but no tunes and borrowed our instruments from a 60s tribute band.
So as you can guess we were rubbish and our first gig was also our last.
I was so `out of it` that I couldnt hear the boos or the laughter and convinced I would soon be crowned the future of rock`n`roll.
Afterwards I approached a famous music critic at the bar who said "You sounded rubbish and look like Sid Vicious if you was to dig him up tomorrow" but added "The band cant play, you cant sing, but I did like the lyrics, who writes the words?"
And that signalled the death of the wannabee pop star and the birth of Punk Poet Garry Johnson.
What follows is my story.

The Punk Poet

This is my story with extracts from The Punk Poet, The Boys Of The Empire and The Gangster Of Slang.
I own the copyright of my life so no-one can stop me from writing this autobiography.
No names have been changed to protect the `innocent or the guilty`.

And I make this offer right at the very start of my story.
If anyone wishes to question any of my statements or deny incidents contained in this book then please feel free to challenge my version of events.

But I should warn any doubters that I do have a collection of documents and videos confirming I am telling the truth.

Every claim I make from being a schoolboy football star, to rubbish punk singer and talented porno director can be proved.

None of this autobiography is a figment of my imigination as medical records, newspaper cuttings, sworn statements, legal documents and VHS tapes do not lie.

I am just going to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

I didn`t intend to dwell on my ex-wife`s past as a stripper or her porno career - but because of her blatant lies and vindictive behaviour towards me I have been forced to reveal the real her.

Julie Taylor Johnson is not `miss goody two-shoes` and the `butter wouldnt melt in her mouth persona` is just an act.

A recent example will explain what I mean. As will my account of what I call `the dark secret` but I will not go public until I can prove it.

But will just say it involves a `near miss` and could explain the need for `certain` birth control injections and I will leave you to draw your own conclusions.

All I have to go on at the moment are a phone call, a timed and dated email (hidden for security) and personal memories of a certain female having `mood swings`, always being `tired`, taking to her bed and moaning about `hair loss`.

But because this book only deals in 100% fact the `dark secret` will remain private until I can prove it beyond all reasonable doubt.
The evidence confirms 99% that Julie Taylor Johnson was made pregnant in December 2004 by her perverted boyfriend grimson - and that she `got rid of it` after catching a sexual disease from the former child-abusing pimp.
This led to her going onto Depo-Prevaro birth control injections - but until I can prove it 100% I wont claim it to be true.

The pervert grimson boasts its true - her medical records suggest its true - but for me 99% is not good enough - as every other allegation in this book is 100% FACTUAL.

THE PUNK POET only deals in facts. Her perverted boyfriend claims he took naked pictures of Julie while she slept at 10 Carswell Gardens Wickford - I have not seen them - and until I do or grimson puts them on Internet I will not believe his `boasting`.

Let me explain why I am being so careful about `going public`. I believe in the theory of the `domino effect`.

And should I make an allegation at this stage that proved to be `false` it would weaken my story.
It would cast doubt on all my other claims.

So I will go no further other then to say just because I am personally convinced that the phone call was genuine - it does not at this stage make it fact.

Even though it ties in with the `mood swings` and the other stuff I am not prepared at this stage to make `the dark secret` public.

Now what sort of women would willingly show naked pornographic photos of herself to strange men?
The police may wear uniforms but at the end of the day they are still men

She contacted Basildon police and told them I had sent pornographic pictures of her through the post.
This was a blatant lie but once again enough to get me arrested in October 2009. (though in December all charges were `dropped`)

How do you think I felt when I was shown pictures of my ex-wife wearing nothing but a big smile and black stockings?
To be honest I felt sick.

There were naked pictures of Julie spread all over the table and I was forced to look at them in front of two coppers and my solicitor.

One of the cops said "Do you recognise the women in the pictures?" Not only was she naked but her legs were spread apart and leaving nothing to the imigination.

I found it embarrassing and was thinking `how could she - how could she prostitute herself like this?`

She had no self-respect. How could she sink this low or think so little of herself?

I wondered how many other cops had seen these pictures?

In my mind it was wrong of her to make pictures taken by me in the privacy of our own home so public.

And I hope this incident (which can be confirmed by both the police and my solicitor) will explain what I have been up against for the past 5 years.

Julie has used every trick in the book to try and destroy me. But at least this time she had actually produced some pictures as previously she had not.

In 2007 she claimed I had sent naked pictures of her to Peter Tibbs - her boss at Basildon`s Sainsburys supermarket - a blatant lie - which is why they werent produced as evidence in court.
And she `forgot` to inform the court of her `friendship` with his son Peter Tibbs Junior. Again it was a combination of `false allegations` and conspiracy.

Julie also reported Garry Bushell for introducing my children to what she called "East End gangsters" - forgetting to mention that both boys had met such people many times during our marraige - as had she.

Some had even visited our house at 64 Chestnut Road in Pitsea, Basildon.
And Julie would love to tell friends "Garry and me were at this party in London and this women said to me `I`ve got the right hump with my old man cos we`d just had new carpet throughout when he (her husband - who we will shall call Mr X) shot some bloke in the lounge" adding "and it aint the first time he`s done that"

Babe - if you deny any of the above - or disagree with anything I say in this book would you be prepared to take a Lie Detector Test?

Because I would at the drop of a hat. A test costs about £700 and I would gladly treat you to one. Question One: "Did you star in porno films between 1992-2004?"
Question Two: "Did you catch a Sexually disease off pervery grimson in December 2004?"

If you recall I made the same offer to your boyfriend Grimson - and he declined - claiming because of his `mental illness` he was not up to it.

But she would tell `lie after lie` to discredit me and look `Miss Innocent` to the authorities.

On another occassion Julie sent a letter to Garry Bushell (I still have the timed and dated email) in which she `threatened` to report him for introducing my children to The Cockney Rejects and getting them a job as extras in a gangster movie.

This probably sounds `bizarre` and `far-fetched` but when these claims are made in court to impressionable middle-class legal twats it sounds `dangerous`.

And that is why she told such lies to discredit me.

Before this incident she had told the police I was mad and I spent 10 days in Bellmarsh Prison accused of seven attempted murders.

She has told people I am a `manic depressive`, a bad dad and a druggie. And at times convinced the police, Social Services, the courts and a Judge that she was telling the truth.

The funny thing is five years before she told these wicked lies - her on-off boy friend `white muslim` Paul Wellings wrote a book I`m A Journalist Get Me Out Of Here - in which he described me as "the funniest guy he had ever met" adding "he never takes anything seriously".

But after Julie left, Wellings (who had always fancied her) and his wife joined the campaign to discredit my character.
I was warned about Wellings by my best mate Garry Bushell who had always considered Wellings to be "a wrong `un".

This was because Wellings was a `tight bastard` who never `bought a round` and who despite coming from Norfolk would always claim to be a `Cockney`.

And the funny thing is (and how is this for betrayal Joolz?) - when I told everyone I had loads of pornographic pictures and x-rated videos of you babe - the only bloke who asked to see them was your `partner in crime` Paul Wellings.

If anyone doubts this I still have the email containing his request - which will be printed in the book.

Another person to beytray me was her best friend and ginger bitch Sally Prevost. I can understand her being `loyal` to Julie because that is what friends are for - but Prevost didnt just `take sides` she told `blatant lies`.

Prevost was quoted in court as saying "Garry is mad and a bad dad" - her comments were read out in a statement provided by my-ex.
Sally Prevost did not make these claims from the witness box or on oath. But her lies split a family.

And not just mine.

My mum who is the Aunt of Prevost - and sister of her mother Biddie - has not spoken to either for almost 4 years.

That is how much my mum was hurt by the lies of her niece. She has stopped all contact with her closest relative and favourite sister.

For 60-years they were close and shared family holidays but now because of the lies they dont even speak on the phone or exchange Christmas cards.

The lies of Julie Johnson and the involvement of Sally Prevost not only got my sons put into care they also ruined the relationship between my mum and her sister.

So you see I am not just writing this book for myself or my children I am also doing it for my mum.

As because of the lies told by Julie and Prevost my mum has not seen her grand-daughter since December 2005.

But all this will change when my Hearing starts in the European Courts as both Wellings and Prevost will be asked to repeat their lies on oath.

Wellings will be asked to explain how he `praised` me as "a easy-going funny bloke" in his book published in 2002.
But in 2006 supported the lies that I was `mad`.

And Prevost who told my mum for almost 15 years "Garry is a wonderful dad and dotes on his children" will be asked to explain why she changed her mind in 2006?

How did her comments accusing me of being a "bad dad" and "mad" end up in those documents?
I would like to know as would my mum. As would my children who know Prevost said the opposite whenever she visited our house.

When we get into Europe I am sure the truth will come out. But for now I leave this thought with you the reader.

Did Prevost lie because she and my wife have been best friends since the age of 12?

Did Wellings lie because his wife was `very close` to Julie, he fancied her and because many years ago I wrote a review `slagging` off his poxy punk band?

Whatever the reasons - they lied - and are both "guilty" of splitting my family and hurting my sons.

Like my mum, both Sam and Adam are `disgusted` by their behaviour.

And for the record Wellings and Prevost were not strangers to each other.

About 20 years ago I had an audition for the TV show Keynotes (I didnt get the part LOL) but I went to The South Bank studio with Julie, Wellings and Prevost - and that night Sally Prevost spent the night with PJ Wellings at his flat in Bethnal Green.

So as well as both being friends of Julie they had a history and a past relationship - and maybe that is why they lied!

And this will make you laugh - just months before Prevost `stabbed me in the back` I lent her 500 pounds.
It`s true I did get every penny back - but is telling `blatant lies` about some-one really the way to repay a favour?

Later in the book I will reveal details of a earlier arrest after she lied to the authorities. I was surrounded, cuffed and restrained by 5 coppers and three people from the Criminal Mental Health Unit.
But after three months of interviews and numerous examinations I was told both verbally and in writing:
"Garry there is nothing wrong with you and our involvement with you was a waste of time"

But still she persists in telling her friends and family that I am `mad`. This is why I am `fighting back` and telling everything about our 15-year marraige.

I have nothing to hide which is why I have always wanted everything out in the open. But she hid behind the secrecy of The Family Court.

But she can no longer do that as all reporting restrictions have been lifted by The High Court.

I am not sure that her friends and family even know she admitted to adultery with Richard Grimson.
Or that her boyfriend with her knowledge violently threatened and verbally sexually abused our children.
And if anyone reading this still dont believe me then look up the reporting of my case in The High Court from November of last year.
Every aspect reported and noted by the press in the public gallery.

So you see I now have a moral and legal right to tell my story. Rock stars do it, footballers do it and now The Punk Poet is doing it.

This is my kiss and tell autobiography and I hope you enjoy it.

All the incidents from scoring 2 goals in a schoolboy Cup Final, meeting David Bowie and hanging out with celebs are if you like `personal eye witness accounts` because I was present.
My account of life as a `punk rocker`, showbiz journalist are 100% factual and kosher because I was there.
Likewise I can confirm that julie taylor johnson `starred` in porno films because I wrote the scripts and filmed her performances.
But a lot of the revelations/boasts come from julie herself and I am just repeating things she told me over a 15-year period.
And likewise a lot of the information about her affairs and adultery comes from other people including my sons, her lovers and relatives of her `sexual partners`.

Example: In various chapters I will reveal that julie worked as a pub stripper in East London but I admit I never saw her strip, as I didnt know her in them days, and to be honest if I had I wouldnt of married her.

What sort of bloke would want a `dirty slut` as a wife? A page 3 girl, a nude model or a lap dancer is another story, but sleazy strippers from back-street pubs are from a lower league.

I admit my only `proof` that julie was a `pub stripper` comes from julie herself. As I will mention later `we` started our `sex game hobby` with julie posing for porno poloroids but after 6 months we bought a video camera.
We started by filming us having sex and then I started to come up with `storylines and plots` where julie would pretend to be a hooker, policewoman, schoolgirl or cheating wife (she was good at that, very convincing LOL)

One night I built a `set` with a curtain and a little stage and got julie to do a striptease. She was brilliant and when I said "your good at this" she said "well I`ve done it before"
I said "what in front of a camera?" she laughed. I asked "what in front of a boyfriend?"
And she said "No in a pub".

She went on to say she did it for about 8 weeks in various East End pubs saying she needed quick money to buy a car.
Julie claimed she`d crashed her sports car into a lamp-post in Hackney and that is was a `write-off` and that she had no tax or insurance.

I was not present and didnt know her when she was 19/20 so I dont know if the car crash or the stripping was true.
What I do know is that she was a great stripper for me, sexy and very dirty - the clips on BASILDON BABE, THE SHOTGATE SLUT and DIRTY DANCING confirm how good she was.

But as for whether she was a `pub stripper` I only have her `word` for that but I sort of believe it because of her filthy Private Dances that I still have in my mind and captured on tape.

They as look as `dirty` today as they did when I filmed them.

It could be she just said it for `effect` or to `turn me or herself on` - but the truth is she said it.

Likewise I did not know julie when she claims that as a teenager she was going out with a boy/bloke called Sean whose parents owned a pub in Walthamstow.
Julie claims he held her `hostage` in his bedroom above the pub and that `certain things` happened.
I will repeat her claims later in the book.

Another of her `stories` was that one of her friends was bundled into a car by 2 black blokes, stripped naked and dumped in a Walthamstow pub car park.

Julie also claimed that because she was white, blonde and good looking and went to a Secondary School in Walthamstow that was in her words "run by blacks" that she was `targeted` by black boys for 3 years.
She claimed they would intimidate her in the classroom, force themselves on her in the playground and `grope her` on the bus after school.

I didnt know her then so aint got a clue if she was telling the truth or trying to make me `anti-black` like her dad.

The truth is I never knew if julie hated blacks because she had been `abused` by some black boys or because of her Nazi loving father brainwashing her.
She did tell me that when her dad`s sister married a black guy he disowned her and that she was banned from talking to her aunt or cousins.

And to prove I wont just be concentrating on her `sexual past` or her families `hatred of blacks` I will also reveal boasts/claims that include julie saying.

1. As a teenager I was a great footballer and played for Spurs Ladies.
2. When I was the manageress of a Bakers Shop in Leyton I took part in a `pretend robbery` with my friend Sally and me told the police we`d been mugged on the way to the bank with the days takings.
"The friend was sally prevost, a ginger-haired slag so ugly she should wear a burkha 24/7. We are talking `bow bow` ".
3. I lost my virginity at 14 to a boy whose sister was `best mates` with the singer Sinitta.
4. I once went out with an Italian boy from Sawbridgeworth in Hertfordshire whose dad owned a bar and was a bit of a gangster.
5. I was going to join the police force but my dad wouldnt let me.
6. She also claimed that at a school disco she went out with a black boy as `protection` from others on the advice of her Primary School friend Sade. Yes I know its an usual name but if like julie you were educated in Walthamstow and went to Stoneydown or McEntee School you will know whether or not Sade existed!
7. When we first met she claimed she`d just finished an affair with a older married man called Derek and that his wife had named her in the divorce.

I didnt know her as a teenager so dont have a clue if she was lying or telling the truth but later the complete accounts of those stories/her boasts will appear in full.

Likewise she told me she was `attacked` by a black gang of boys after being seperated from her friends on the way home from Wanstead Fun Fair.

Also that the brother of her best mate was a NF skinhead and member of the ICF - I know for a fact he wasnt as I knew the ICF and hungout at The Bridge House in Canning Town.

But she would say "My friends brother (Vince Balldoc) is in the NF and the ICF and he hated blacks and one day spotted his younger sister with a black boy at Walthamstow Bus Garage - he went `mad` and dragged her home"

Was I meant to be impressed?

But the truth is she told endless stories about her `sexual encounters` and her hatred of blacks.

And she werent just saying it for effect she really did hate black people. One day we were in Southend and bumped into my best mate from school.
VB was/is black with Bob Marley dreadlocks and julie almost chocked when I introduced them and she had to say "hello".
From memory she had the right hump for the rest of the day.

On another occassion we were in Walthamstow Market and I spotted Patsy Johnson, a old female friend who was Press Officer for my mate and former Jam star Bruce Foxton.
We hugged and kissed in the middle of the market and afterwards julie went `ballistic` because Patsy was black.

She didnt just have the hump for a few hours, she sulked for ages and that night I didnt get my `oats` or a `blow-job`.

The reason I will reveal all her claims/boasts is to show julie either has a colourful past or is a `first class liar`.

Did she lie to me for 15 years or only in the last 8 months of our marriage?

I cant answer that but I do know julie has lied non-stop since June 2005 to January 2010.

But I do know that the details I reveal about our marraige 1990 to 2005 are 100% factual because I was there.

I know she posed for pornographic pictures because I took them - likewise I know she starred in porno videos because I filmed them.

In BASILDON BABE she STARS as a hooker, sexy schoolgirl, police woman and as a blindfolded sex slave handcuffed to the bed.
And dont just take my `word` for it as the camera never lies - it is me caught on camera having sex with her.
It is me between her legs, and my `wotsit` inside her, up her bum, in her mouth and coming all over her pert tits.
I did not use a body double or a lookalike to portray `The Johnsons At Play`.

I also know that for 14 years were very happy and madly in love - it was only in the last 8 months when I had `problems` because of stress in the `bedroom department` that our marriage fell apart and julie started `sleeping around`.

I was 100% faithful throughout our marrige and honestly believe that so was julie until October 2004.

Maybe I`m a `mug` and she always `cheated` but I genuinely dont think she did. I know she now claims she was `at it` for years with a number of other blokes - but I believe that is just her boasting to look a `player` in front of her new slutty mates.

Nowadays julie hangs out with scrubbers and women who are to be honest `mutton dressed as lamb` and she acts and talks like a slag to fit in with them.

The fact is when we were together she would not of been seen dead with the low-life she hangs out with now.

And she knows it. Likewise the julie I knew would never of had an affair with grimson - not just because he`s a pervert and former pimp but because of his appearance.

Julie was/still is a `stunner` and would not of looked twice at a fat, bald, ugly moron with no personality or front teeth.

This is why I suggested in my first `REALITY GANGSTER NOVEL that grimson had some kind of hold over her - I even hinted that he may have raped her or forced himself on her.
And when I wrote my DEBUT novel - I was unaware that grimson was a former pimp with a 15-year history of abusing women and children.
I hadnt then been contacted by Emma Murray - his relative from Ipswich.

The fact is I still believe that grimson used threats or blackmail to get control over julie - there must of been something he used to convince her to `walk out` on a happy marriage and her children.

Did he know julie from her days as a pub stripper or a teenager in Walthamstow?

Hopefully by the time I write the final Chapter I will have the answers to at least some of those questions?