This is my story with extracts from The Punk Poet, The Boys Of The Empire and The Gangster Of Slang.
I own the copyright of my life so no-one can stop me from writing this autobiography.
No names have been changed to protect the `innocent or the guilty`.
And I make this offer right at the very start of my story.
If anyone wishes to question any of my statements or deny incidents contained in this book then please feel free to challenge my version of events.
But I should warn any doubters that I do have a collection of documents and videos confirming I am telling the truth.
Every claim I make from being a schoolboy football star, to rubbish punk singer and talented porno director can be proved.
None of this autobiography is a figment of my imigination as medical records, newspaper cuttings, sworn statements, legal documents and VHS tapes do not lie.
I am just going to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
I didn`t intend to dwell on my ex-wife`s past as a stripper or her porno career - but because of her blatant lies and vindictive behaviour towards me I have been forced to reveal the real her.
Julie Taylor Johnson is not `miss goody two-shoes` and the `butter wouldnt melt in her mouth persona` is just an act.
A recent example will explain what I mean. As will my account of what I call `the dark secret` but I will not go public until I can prove it.
But will just say it involves a `near miss` and could explain the need for `certain` birth control injections and I will leave you to draw your own conclusions.
All I have to go on at the moment are a phone call, a timed and dated email (hidden for security) and personal memories of a certain female having `mood swings`, always being `tired`, taking to her bed and moaning about `hair loss`.
But because this book only deals in 100% fact the `dark secret` will remain private until I can prove it beyond all reasonable doubt.
The evidence confirms 99% that Julie Taylor Johnson was made pregnant in December 2004 by her perverted boyfriend grimson - and that she `got rid of it` after catching a sexual disease from the former child-abusing pimp.
This led to her going onto Depo-Prevaro birth control injections - but until I can prove it 100% I wont claim it to be true.
The pervert grimson boasts its true - her medical records suggest its true - but for me 99% is not good enough - as every other allegation in this book is 100% FACTUAL.
THE PUNK POET only deals in facts. Her perverted boyfriend claims he took naked pictures of Julie while she slept at 10 Carswell Gardens Wickford - I have not seen them - and until I do or grimson puts them on Internet I will not believe his `boasting`.
Let me explain why I am being so careful about `going public`. I believe in the theory of the `domino effect`.
And should I make an allegation at this stage that proved to be `false` it would weaken my story.
It would cast doubt on all my other claims.
So I will go no further other then to say just because I am personally convinced that the phone call was genuine - it does not at this stage make it fact.
Even though it ties in with the `mood swings` and the other stuff I am not prepared at this stage to make `the dark secret` public.
Now what sort of women would willingly show naked pornographic photos of herself to strange men?
The police may wear uniforms but at the end of the day they are still men
She contacted Basildon police and told them I had sent pornographic pictures of her through the post.
This was a blatant lie but once again enough to get me arrested in October 2009. (though in December all charges were `dropped`)
How do you think I felt when I was shown pictures of my ex-wife wearing nothing but a big smile and black stockings?
To be honest I felt sick.
There were naked pictures of Julie spread all over the table and I was forced to look at them in front of two coppers and my solicitor.
One of the cops said "Do you recognise the women in the pictures?" Not only was she naked but her legs were spread apart and leaving nothing to the imigination.
I found it embarrassing and was thinking `how could she - how could she prostitute herself like this?`
She had no self-respect. How could she sink this low or think so little of herself?
I wondered how many other cops had seen these pictures?
In my mind it was wrong of her to make pictures taken by me in the privacy of our own home so public.
And I hope this incident (which can be confirmed by both the police and my solicitor) will explain what I have been up against for the past 5 years.
Julie has used every trick in the book to try and destroy me. But at least this time she had actually produced some pictures as previously she had not.
In 2007 she claimed I had sent naked pictures of her to Peter Tibbs - her boss at Basildon`s Sainsburys supermarket - a blatant lie - which is why they werent produced as evidence in court.
And she `forgot` to inform the court of her `friendship` with his son Peter Tibbs Junior. Again it was a combination of `false allegations` and conspiracy.
Julie also reported Garry Bushell for introducing my children to what she called "East End gangsters" - forgetting to mention that both boys had met such people many times during our marraige - as had she.
Some had even visited our house at 64 Chestnut Road in Pitsea, Basildon.
And Julie would love to tell friends "Garry and me were at this party in London and this women said to me `I`ve got the right hump with my old man cos we`d just had new carpet throughout when he (her husband - who we will shall call Mr X) shot some bloke in the lounge" adding "and it aint the first time he`s done that"
Babe - if you deny any of the above - or disagree with anything I say in this book would you be prepared to take a Lie Detector Test?
Because I would at the drop of a hat. A test costs about £700 and I would gladly treat you to one. Question One: "Did you star in porno films between 1992-2004?"
Question Two: "Did you catch a Sexually disease off pervery grimson in December 2004?"
If you recall I made the same offer to your boyfriend Grimson - and he declined - claiming because of his `mental illness` he was not up to it.
But she would tell `lie after lie` to discredit me and look `Miss Innocent` to the authorities.
On another occassion Julie sent a letter to Garry Bushell (I still have the timed and dated email) in which she `threatened` to report him for introducing my children to The Cockney Rejects and getting them a job as extras in a gangster movie.
This probably sounds `bizarre` and `far-fetched` but when these claims are made in court to impressionable middle-class legal twats it sounds `dangerous`.
And that is why she told such lies to discredit me.
Before this incident she had told the police I was mad and I spent 10 days in Bellmarsh Prison accused of seven attempted murders.
She has told people I am a `manic depressive`, a bad dad and a druggie. And at times convinced the police, Social Services, the courts and a Judge that she was telling the truth.
The funny thing is five years before she told these wicked lies - her on-off boy friend `white muslim` Paul Wellings wrote a book I`m A Journalist Get Me Out Of Here - in which he described me as "the funniest guy he had ever met" adding "he never takes anything seriously".
But after Julie left, Wellings (who had always fancied her) and his wife joined the campaign to discredit my character.
I was warned about Wellings by my best mate Garry Bushell who had always considered Wellings to be "a wrong `un".
This was because Wellings was a `tight bastard` who never `bought a round` and who despite coming from Norfolk would always claim to be a `Cockney`.
And the funny thing is (and how is this for betrayal Joolz?) - when I told everyone I had loads of pornographic pictures and x-rated videos of you babe - the only bloke who asked to see them was your `partner in crime` Paul Wellings.
If anyone doubts this I still have the email containing his request - which will be printed in the book.
Another person to beytray me was her best friend and ginger bitch Sally Prevost. I can understand her being `loyal` to Julie because that is what friends are for - but Prevost didnt just `take sides` she told `blatant lies`.
Prevost was quoted in court as saying "Garry is mad and a bad dad" - her comments were read out in a statement provided by my-ex.
Sally Prevost did not make these claims from the witness box or on oath. But her lies split a family.
And not just mine.
My mum who is the Aunt of Prevost - and sister of her mother Biddie - has not spoken to either for almost 4 years.
That is how much my mum was hurt by the lies of her niece. She has stopped all contact with her closest relative and favourite sister.
For 60-years they were close and shared family holidays but now because of the lies they dont even speak on the phone or exchange Christmas cards.
The lies of Julie Johnson and the involvement of Sally Prevost not only got my sons put into care they also ruined the relationship between my mum and her sister.
So you see I am not just writing this book for myself or my children I am also doing it for my mum.
As because of the lies told by Julie and Prevost my mum has not seen her grand-daughter since December 2005.
But all this will change when my Hearing starts in the European Courts as both Wellings and Prevost will be asked to repeat their lies on oath.
Wellings will be asked to explain how he `praised` me as "a easy-going funny bloke" in his book published in 2002.
But in 2006 supported the lies that I was `mad`.
And Prevost who told my mum for almost 15 years "Garry is a wonderful dad and dotes on his children" will be asked to explain why she changed her mind in 2006?
How did her comments accusing me of being a "bad dad" and "mad" end up in those documents?
I would like to know as would my mum. As would my children who know Prevost said the opposite whenever she visited our house.
When we get into Europe I am sure the truth will come out. But for now I leave this thought with you the reader.
Did Prevost lie because she and my wife have been best friends since the age of 12?
Did Wellings lie because his wife was `very close` to Julie, he fancied her and because many years ago I wrote a review `slagging` off his poxy punk band?
Whatever the reasons - they lied - and are both "guilty" of splitting my family and hurting my sons.
Like my mum, both Sam and Adam are `disgusted` by their behaviour.
And for the record Wellings and Prevost were not strangers to each other.
About 20 years ago I had an audition for the TV show Keynotes (I didnt get the part LOL) but I went to The South Bank studio with Julie, Wellings and Prevost - and that night Sally Prevost spent the night with PJ Wellings at his flat in Bethnal Green.
So as well as both being friends of Julie they had a history and a past relationship - and maybe that is why they lied!
And this will make you laugh - just months before Prevost `stabbed me in the back` I lent her 500 pounds.
It`s true I did get every penny back - but is telling `blatant lies` about some-one really the way to repay a favour?
Later in the book I will reveal details of a earlier arrest after she lied to the authorities. I was surrounded, cuffed and restrained by 5 coppers and three people from the Criminal Mental Health Unit.
But after three months of interviews and numerous examinations I was told both verbally and in writing:
"Garry there is nothing wrong with you and our involvement with you was a waste of time"
But still she persists in telling her friends and family that I am `mad`. This is why I am `fighting back` and telling everything about our 15-year marraige.
I have nothing to hide which is why I have always wanted everything out in the open. But she hid behind the secrecy of The Family Court.
But she can no longer do that as all reporting restrictions have been lifted by The High Court.
I am not sure that her friends and family even know she admitted to adultery with Richard Grimson.
Or that her boyfriend with her knowledge violently threatened and verbally sexually abused our children.
And if anyone reading this still dont believe me then look up the reporting of my case in The High Court from November of last year.
Every aspect reported and noted by the press in the public gallery.
So you see I now have a moral and legal right to tell my story. Rock stars do it, footballers do it and now The Punk Poet is doing it.
This is my kiss and tell autobiography and I hope you enjoy it.
All the incidents from scoring 2 goals in a schoolboy Cup Final, meeting David Bowie and hanging out with celebs are if you like `personal eye witness accounts` because I was present.
My account of life as a `punk rocker`, showbiz journalist are 100% factual and kosher because I was there.
Likewise I can confirm that julie taylor johnson `starred` in porno films because I wrote the scripts and filmed her performances.
But a lot of the revelations/boasts come from julie herself and I am just repeating things she told me over a 15-year period.
And likewise a lot of the information about her affairs and adultery comes from other people including my sons, her lovers and relatives of her `sexual partners`.
Example: In various chapters I will reveal that julie worked as a pub stripper in East London but I admit I never saw her strip, as I didnt know her in them days, and to be honest if I had I wouldnt of married her.
What sort of bloke would want a `dirty slut` as a wife? A page 3 girl, a nude model or a lap dancer is another story, but sleazy strippers from back-street pubs are from a lower league.
I admit my only `proof` that julie was a `pub stripper` comes from julie herself. As I will mention later `we` started our `sex game hobby` with julie posing for porno poloroids but after 6 months we bought a video camera.
We started by filming us having sex and then I started to come up with `storylines and plots` where julie would pretend to be a hooker, policewoman, schoolgirl or cheating wife (she was good at that, very convincing LOL)
One night I built a `set` with a curtain and a little stage and got julie to do a striptease. She was brilliant and when I said "your good at this" she said "well I`ve done it before"
I said "what in front of a camera?" she laughed. I asked "what in front of a boyfriend?"
And she said "No in a pub".
She went on to say she did it for about 8 weeks in various East End pubs saying she needed quick money to buy a car.
Julie claimed she`d crashed her sports car into a lamp-post in Hackney and that is was a `write-off` and that she had no tax or insurance.
I was not present and didnt know her when she was 19/20 so I dont know if the car crash or the stripping was true.
What I do know is that she was a great stripper for me, sexy and very dirty - the clips on BASILDON BABE, THE SHOTGATE SLUT and DIRTY DANCING confirm how good she was.
But as for whether she was a `pub stripper` I only have her `word` for that but I sort of believe it because of her filthy Private Dances that I still have in my mind and captured on tape.
They as look as `dirty` today as they did when I filmed them.
It could be she just said it for `effect` or to `turn me or herself on` - but the truth is she said it.
Likewise I did not know julie when she claims that as a teenager she was going out with a boy/bloke called Sean whose parents owned a pub in Walthamstow.
Julie claims he held her `hostage` in his bedroom above the pub and that `certain things` happened.
I will repeat her claims later in the book.
Another of her `stories` was that one of her friends was bundled into a car by 2 black blokes, stripped naked and dumped in a Walthamstow pub car park.
Julie also claimed that because she was white, blonde and good looking and went to a Secondary School in Walthamstow that was in her words "run by blacks" that she was `targeted` by black boys for 3 years.
She claimed they would intimidate her in the classroom, force themselves on her in the playground and `grope her` on the bus after school.
I didnt know her then so aint got a clue if she was telling the truth or trying to make me `anti-black` like her dad.
The truth is I never knew if julie hated blacks because she had been `abused` by some black boys or because of her Nazi loving father brainwashing her.
She did tell me that when her dad`s sister married a black guy he disowned her and that she was banned from talking to her aunt or cousins.
And to prove I wont just be concentrating on her `sexual past` or her families `hatred of blacks` I will also reveal boasts/claims that include julie saying.
1. As a teenager I was a great footballer and played for Spurs Ladies.
2. When I was the manageress of a Bakers Shop in Leyton I took part in a `pretend robbery` with my friend Sally and me told the police we`d been mugged on the way to the bank with the days takings.
"The friend was sally prevost, a ginger-haired slag so ugly she should wear a burkha 24/7. We are talking `bow bow` ".
3. I lost my virginity at 14 to a boy whose sister was `best mates` with the singer Sinitta.
4. I once went out with an Italian boy from Sawbridgeworth in Hertfordshire whose dad owned a bar and was a bit of a gangster.
5. I was going to join the police force but my dad wouldnt let me.
6. She also claimed that at a school disco she went out with a black boy as `protection` from others on the advice of her Primary School friend Sade. Yes I know its an usual name but if like julie you were educated in Walthamstow and went to Stoneydown or McEntee School you will know whether or not Sade existed!
7. When we first met she claimed she`d just finished an affair with a older married man called Derek and that his wife had named her in the divorce.
I didnt know her as a teenager so dont have a clue if she was lying or telling the truth but later the complete accounts of those stories/her boasts will appear in full.
Likewise she told me she was `attacked` by a black gang of boys after being seperated from her friends on the way home from Wanstead Fun Fair.
Also that the brother of her best mate was a NF skinhead and member of the ICF - I know for a fact he wasnt as I knew the ICF and hungout at The Bridge House in Canning Town.
But she would say "My friends brother (Vince Balldoc) is in the NF and the ICF and he hated blacks and one day spotted his younger sister with a black boy at Walthamstow Bus Garage - he went `mad` and dragged her home"
Was I meant to be impressed?
But the truth is she told endless stories about her `sexual encounters` and her hatred of blacks.
And she werent just saying it for effect she really did hate black people. One day we were in Southend and bumped into my best mate from school.
VB was/is black with Bob Marley dreadlocks and julie almost chocked when I introduced them and she had to say "hello".
From memory she had the right hump for the rest of the day.
On another occassion we were in Walthamstow Market and I spotted Patsy Johnson, a old female friend who was Press Officer for my mate and former Jam star Bruce Foxton.
We hugged and kissed in the middle of the market and afterwards julie went `ballistic` because Patsy was black.
She didnt just have the hump for a few hours, she sulked for ages and that night I didnt get my `oats` or a `blow-job`.
The reason I will reveal all her claims/boasts is to show julie either has a colourful past or is a `first class liar`.
Did she lie to me for 15 years or only in the last 8 months of our marriage?
I cant answer that but I do know julie has lied non-stop since June 2005 to January 2010.
But I do know that the details I reveal about our marraige 1990 to 2005 are 100% factual because I was there.
I know she posed for pornographic pictures because I took them - likewise I know she starred in porno videos because I filmed them.
In BASILDON BABE she STARS as a hooker, sexy schoolgirl, police woman and as a blindfolded sex slave handcuffed to the bed.
And dont just take my `word` for it as the camera never lies - it is me caught on camera having sex with her.
It is me between her legs, and my `wotsit` inside her, up her bum, in her mouth and coming all over her pert tits.
I did not use a body double or a lookalike to portray `The Johnsons At Play`.
I also know that for 14 years were very happy and madly in love - it was only in the last 8 months when I had `problems` because of stress in the `bedroom department` that our marriage fell apart and julie started `sleeping around`.
I was 100% faithful throughout our marrige and honestly believe that so was julie until October 2004.
Maybe I`m a `mug` and she always `cheated` but I genuinely dont think she did. I know she now claims she was `at it` for years with a number of other blokes - but I believe that is just her boasting to look a `player` in front of her new slutty mates.
Nowadays julie hangs out with scrubbers and women who are to be honest `mutton dressed as lamb` and she acts and talks like a slag to fit in with them.
The fact is when we were together she would not of been seen dead with the low-life she hangs out with now.
And she knows it. Likewise the julie I knew would never of had an affair with grimson - not just because he`s a pervert and former pimp but because of his appearance.
Julie was/still is a `stunner` and would not of looked twice at a fat, bald, ugly moron with no personality or front teeth.
This is why I suggested in my first `REALITY GANGSTER NOVEL that grimson had some kind of hold over her - I even hinted that he may have raped her or forced himself on her.
And when I wrote my DEBUT novel - I was unaware that grimson was a former pimp with a 15-year history of abusing women and children.
I hadnt then been contacted by Emma Murray - his relative from Ipswich.
The fact is I still believe that grimson used threats or blackmail to get control over julie - there must of been something he used to convince her to `walk out` on a happy marriage and her children.
Did he know julie from her days as a pub stripper or a teenager in Walthamstow?
Hopefully by the time I write the final Chapter I will have the answers to at least some of those questions?
Saturday, 16 January 2010
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