Saturday, 3 April 2010

I Reveal The Dark Secret (Pregnancy)

This extract does not appear in The Punk Poet as I have stated all along that I would not make a single claim or allegation unless it was true and could be proved.

Well I can now reveal `the dark secret` and it has nothing to with my ex-wife and Abraham Olusoji Olowoyo Coker (that came later).

The revelation confirms that pervert pimp richard grimson was telling the truth when he boasted in 2005 about making Julie pregnant.

At the time I thought it was just a `drunken brag` to wind me up.

But the postman has just come with the results of an investigation into her medical records.

Depo-Provero is a chemical that acts to kill a pre-born child`s earliest days of existence. It is a progesterone derivative - it aborts new life.

This is what happened in April 2005 - Ten weeks before she left.

It confirms that grimson gave her herpes in October 2004 and made her pregnant a few months later.

I am not `angry` or `upset` anymore because I have lived with that knowledge since recieving a drunken, rambling phone call from gimson in the summer of 2005.

I told a few close friends - but never went public - because as I have said throughout I will only put my name to facts.

I have held back and only hinted at what I knew in The Punk Poet and earlier extracts.

But now I know the truth I am prepared to go public.

The side effects of Depo-Provera are added proof.

I have stated on-the-record that in the months leading up to Julie leaving I noticed a massive change in her.

She had mood swings, hair loss, gained weight and was so stressed & depressed spent almost a week in bed not talking and acting like a zombie.

The medical records confirm she went from 8st 13lbs to 9st 6lbs. I now know why.

All are side effects related to the use of Depo-Provera and Medroxyprogestorone.

For the record I obtained her medical records in a Legal Bundle from my solicitor.

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