Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Freedom Of Speech

Freedom Of Speech 2010

Quotes from the author:
"Feelings change but memories dont" - "Facts are facts" - "The truth is the truth and at the end of the day it will always come out"

A few words from the author:
"As you know solicitors encourage the telling of lies following matrimonal breakdown because when mud is slung some always sticks and good reputations are lost, even when the `victims` are innocent"

Statement by the Author

This Chapter will only appear in the second edition of The Punk Poet and will include this very important update.

August 2010:

Just heard from my former solicitor who revealed "Ms Johnson is not disputing the content of her medical records - she just wants to know how you obtained them"

I explained:

"I discovered them in my Legal Bundle"

So it looks like Julie now accepts I was telling the 100% truth about her `sexual disease` and having Depo-Provera birth control injections 6 months before she left in June 2005.

Thus proving I was telling the truth about her adultery and confirming Adam was not lying when he told me he walked in on his mum half-naked and `at it` with her pervert pimp boyfriend richard grimson.

June 2010:

The latest report from a top Forensic shrink appointed by the Local Authority declares:
"Mr Johnson is a `larger than life` character and not mentally ill"

Social Services now say:
"We have always thought that" adding "We never wanted to get involved in the first place - we had no choice because your wife took out Private Proceedings and convinced the judge you was mad"

The Social Worker said to Sam and Adam in a face to face meeting witnessed by me: "I now believe everything you have told me about the bad behaviour of your mother and her boyfriend grimson"

"I have always thought of your dad as a great dad who loves you and who only wanted the best for you"

He added: "You might not like me but ask your dad - it was me who personally stood up to your mother and stopped you from being seperated.
She wanted you (Adam) taken away from your dad and Sam and sent to a secret address - but I wouldnt agree to it - isnt that right Garry?"

I nodded and said "yes Peter".

At the end of the meeting Sam declined but Adam did shake hands with Mr Brown.

There is no court in the land or power on earth that can stop me from speaking out and publically naming former pimp richard grimson as the pervert who violently threatened and verbally sexually abused my children.

The perverted child-abuser richard ian grimson formerly of 40 Hyde Way Wickford and 10 Carswell Gardens Wickford now lives in Wisbech - but not far enough away to escape being named & shamed along with his partner-in-crime in Basildon Court and the local press.

I named the borderline paedophile in so-called `Family Courts` at Colchester and Chelmsford and again in print even though at the time I was not legally allowed to go public.

But I refused to be `gagged` and let his `sick crimes` remain a `secret` and for speaking out I was banged-up in Bellmarsh Prison.

That was then and this is now.

The fact is the corrupt judgements of 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 do not apply anymore as the High Court have lifted all reporting restrictions.

So his vile, perverted, disgusting behaviour can no longer be swept-under-the-carpet or remain hidden behind closed doors.

And neither can the involvement of his `partner in crime` who turned a blind eye to the perverted antics of her boyfriend and his `attacks` on our children.

The borderline paedophile boasted of sick `sex sessions` involving my ex-wife and 5-year-old daughter so it`s my duty as both a parent and law-abiding citizen to expose his so far `perverted and unpunished crimes`.

I can understand my ex-wife and grimson both being `embarrassed` by the truth coming out but surely they cant be offended.

Humiliated "yes".
Ashamed "yes".

But how can they be offended by the truth? What is the old saying "If you cant do the time dont do the crime".

If they are both `embarrassed and humiliated` by their `secrets` being made public then I say `tough`.

Since June 2005 I have been the `innocent victim` of smears, false allegations and character assasssination.

My ex-wife tells everyone she meets that I am `mentally ill`. This is a blatant lie and I truly hope she repeats this slander when we meet for the first time in a courtroom open to the general public.

Or better still instead of telling these lies behind my back to the police, her family, `new friends` and neighbours accuse me in print - go to the local paper and say "My ex-husband is mad, bad, dangerous and mentally ill".

I would love nothing more as for me it would be Christmas Day come early.

As I have a `medical and legal` document from January 2006 which confirms I am not `mad` and have never suffered from `mental illness`.

The document tells the truth which is why it was with-held from the court and a copy never given to the Local Authority.

Social worker Peter Brown saw it for the first time in May 2010.

And talking of documents I have just heard that my ex-wife is disputing the content of her official, authentic and kosher medical records that I obtained in a legal bundle from my solicitors Harvey, Copping and Harrison.

This is "manna from heaven" as the documents confirm all the allegations I have made. They reveal what she was being treated for and the medication she was on in 2004 and 2005.

I will be now be asking my new solicitors to call her GP as a witness so he can confirm in open court that the medical records in my possession are genuine. I want the world to know they are 100% genuine.

I am looking forward to a public Hearing at Basildon Crown Court and every detail appearing in The Evening Echo.

So far everything has been confined to `secret` Family Hearings and low-key appearances at The High Court in London with only journalists from The Times and Daily Express in the Press Gallery.

I`m confident a front page in the local paper will lead to coverage in The Sun, The Daily Star and News Of The World.

This is because my story has all the ingredients that appeal to tabloid newspapers. It has everything to make great copy and grab headlines.

JULIE TAYLOR JOHNSON is a sexy blonde serial love rat, an ex-pub stripper, a former pimp and perverted druggie, adultery, child abuse, porno movies, corruption, wrongful arrests, cover-ups and a grave miscarraige of justice.

I am totally convinced that I will `clear my name` and at the same time get the publicity I have craved since June 2005.

This is the Statement I will make in Court.

I swear by Almighty God to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

This is an honest account of everything that has happened to me since October 2004 and is based on the sworn statement I made at The High Court in 2009.

There is also new information I obtained by using The Freedom Of Information Act and by obtaining my `legal bundle` from my former solicitors.

This includes information about secret ex-parte Hearings and the official medical records of my ex-wife.

The content is `dynamite` and explains why she is so embarrassed about them being made `public` and more importantly why they were hidden from the court.

As with the legal document from January 2006 Social Services say "We were never shown these medical records".

This is more cast-iron proof of corruption and a cover-up. A `miscarraige of justice` I would not allow to go unchallenged.

Armed with nothing but the truth I took on the system and won. I lost a few battles along the way - I was wounded but never `killed off` or `silenced`.

Just as I have publically named richard grimson as a former pimp and a pervert I have also reported all those `corrupt characters` in so-called authority who colluded with the lies of my ex-wife to try and destroy me.

Julie was deluded and thought she could get away with `murder`. She started to believe that her legal team were her friends, the police and Social Services her `dogs of war` - but made a fatal error in not realising that the truth always comes out in the end.

She failed to `silence me` because as well as being according to Social Services `like a dog with a bone` I also had `right on my side` and the moral highground.

At present there are investigations into the behaviour of the judge, her solicitors, barrister, the Local Authority, Social Services, Cafcass and the Police.

A top solicitor and legal expert who has read all documents from 2005 to 2010 has told The Times newspaper:
"This is the most corrupt case I have ever come across and for the first time in 35 years I am ashamed to be part of the legal system".

So you see I really do have the moral highground and `right on my side`.

My case is also progressing in The European Court Of Human Rights. But should I die before it gets to court I still wont go away.

It wont be the end of the matter. Sam has already given a interview to a national newspaper and copies of documents are with two MPs.

The case has already been mentioned from the floor of The House Of Commons and appears in Hansard - so `dead or alive` this injustice wont be allowed to `die` or go unoticed.

I have written letters to both Sam and Adam with instructions to carry on the legal fight for justice without me and to make sure they`clear my name`.

And I know they will.

I came into this world with nothing but I am leaving behind 3 beautiful children and taking with me so many happy memories.

The fact is my heart condition is getting worse and my recent admission to Basildon Hospital was my fifth in 18 months.

So I want to put everything on-the-record and in the public domain before it`s too late.

This is the only way I can ensure 100% that there will be no cover-up or re-writing of history after I have gone.

And because I am fed-up with being arrested by the police on the false allegations of my ex-wife I will be using official documents to confirm that I am telling the truth.

Example 1

I have obtained official documents that state:

In December 2006 my ex-wife went to Basildon Police and told them I was planning to kidnap, torture and murder her partner richard grimson.

Example 2
In September 2009 my ex-wife went to Basildon Police and handed over pornographic pictures of herself claiming I had sent them to her.

Example 3
In June 2010 my ex-wife went to Basildon Police and told them I had sent her various emails about the launch of her porno dvd `Basildon Babe / Dirty Dancer`

Three times she has made false allegations to the police.

And a very important point that I will use in my defence is the case of Kerry Katona.

I will produce a copy of the News Of The World (dated 27th June 2010).
On page 13 it reveals how her ex-husband is planning to sell porno tapes of them having sex and of her stripping and being dirty in bed.

What is the difference in what he`s doing and what I am planning to do with `Basildon Babe/ The Best Of Shotgate Slut JULIE TAYLOR JOHNSON

The only difference is that Kerry is a bit of a `dog` and Julie is a `stunner`.

I will also mention the private sex tapes featuring Abi Titmus, Paris Hilton and Pamela Anderson - as with Julie - all were filmed behind `closed doors` and in the privacy of their own homes - but are now splashed all over the Internet.

Again I will ask what is the difference between them tapes and my porno films of Julie Taylor Johnson performing various sex acts and dirty dancing?

They might be `celebs` (though Abi wasnt when she made her sex tapes) but apart from that there is no difference between Julie and her fellow famous `porno performers`.

All are blonde, all are sexy, all are `pretty hot` - though I would say my Julie is `hotter` then the three of them put together.

I know I`m sort of biased (being the director, producer, co-star) but having seen them all naked and performing I would say Julie is better-looking, much sexier with a nicer bum and better legs.
And they dont do what she does with a plastic kiddies police truncheon.

I must just say that I dont wish to be compared with the low-life former husband of Kerry Katona.

He is motivated by greed whereas I am only only going public with Julie`s porno pictures and her sex tape Basildon Babe / The Best Of SHOTGATE SLUT JULIE TAYLOR JOHNSON because she has stopped me seeing my daughter since November 2007.

Plus I wont be putting them in the public domain until the day after Adam leaves school as I dont want him embarrassed in the playground.

So far only a handful of people have seen the porno pictures or the tapes - three female friends thought they were "shocking and funny" and 3 `new male mates` who did not know Julie found the whole thing `hillarious` rather then `sexy`.

I think they were embarrassed and muted in their `real views` because they knew Julie was my wife.

But because `Loyalty` is a major part of my character I have not shown a single thing to people we knew as a `couple` - I just couldnt do it or betray her like that.

The funny thing is the only `old mate` who asked to see both the pictures and tapes was Paul Wellings - a bloke I was quite close to for 20 years - but who Garry Bushell couldnt stand and described as a "wrong `un".

And Garry was right.

After we split PJ Wellings - who had always fancied my Julie - was on the phone almost begging to see the pictures and tapes - and if he wishes to disagree I still have his email.

More proof he is a `wrong `un` is that he is now `best mates` with Julie. I wonder if she knows of his interest in her `porno performances`?

Others like Steve, Garry, Frankie, Fergie asked to see them - but were only joking - as when I offered they declined.

And in a `funny way` I respected their `loyalty` to Julie.

The three mates who have seen them never knew Julie - two are local and one is a mate from football who lives at Southend.

There is a `funny side` isnt there always?

Some mornings one of my mates takes his kid to the same school as Princess and says to me "The next time I see your ex-wife I`m gonna say `I didnt recognise you with your clothes on`"
"Do you think she`ll laugh?"

And the only other two blokes I have shown them to - as I said in court - are two Sainsburys delivery drivers.

In court Julie claimed I sent `porno pictures` to her boss peter Tibbs senior - this was a lie and they were never produced as evidence.

I did this because Julie works at the local Sainsburys - and as I admitted in court - I wanted to embarrass her.

One was a nice old boy who was `shocked` and spluttered:
"I know the face and I`ve seen her at work but never like that" and the other guy was about 30, half-Turkish or something and originally from Walthamstow.

When I shopped online from Sainsbury he was one of my regular delivery drivers and often stayed for a chat and he said:
"Yeah I`ve seen her in the Health and Beauty isle"

Now although at the time - about 3 years ago - I felt `great` at exposing her I aint proud of doing it.

At the end of the day for 15 years she was my wife and `the love of my life` and the `God`s Honest` truth is if she hadnt stopped me from seeing Princess I wouldnt of behaved in such a `disloyal` fashion.

And that really is the truth.

But that was then and this is now - so much has happened since 2005 that I dont have any qualms or second-thoughts about putting her all over the net.

Three affairs, letting her boyfriend violently threaten and verbally sexually abuse our children, refusing to protect her kids, declining my request to report grimson to the police, telling lies to get me arrested, lying to people and saying I`m `mentally ill`, stealing my money, my car, my house and taking Princess away from me - admit it `Dear Reader` when you add all that up - is what I`m doing really that bad?

What`s the embarrassment of `STARRING` in 58 polariods and having your `naughtiest bits` from 11 years of video pornos made into a dirty DVD compared to what she`s done to me?

Can she even imagine how much it HURTS me not seeing Princess?

And another `funny thing` is the bizarre fact that Julie has helped me to `publicise` her own porno past.

A big "Thanx babe" and much appreciated.

Think about it - she handed them over to two coppers - but how many other cops have seen them and now know a local women has made porno films?

The fact is that by trying to `ban them` Julie has helped to promote them.

And I dont think she realised that cases that are heard in Basildon Courts are reported in The Southend Echo.

NEW Evidence 2.

Page 40 of The Sun 3rd July 2010 "Pornographic Photos / Naked Snaps Shame"

It states "As long as pictures were between consenting adults aged over 16 you will no be in trouble with the law"
"Once the picture left you, it was out of your control and could be posted on the Internet which could be embarrassing for you"


Example 4
She told Social Services that I was introducing our sons to East End gangsters.

Example 5
She told Social Services that Sam and Adam were on drugs. The fact is my sons are both football and fitness fanatics who dont even drink let alone take drugs.

But for-the-record her boyfriend grimson took drugs (legal and prescription). The perverted pimp has a history of mental illness (check his medical records) and at present my ex-wife lets some fat druggie called gary have daily contact with my daughter.

This plastic wannabe buys `Charlie` from a dealer (with the same name as a character from Corrie and Star Trek) threatened my son with a iron bar - Sam reported incident to Social Services.

Example 6
She told Social Services that our little Princess was not coming into contact with her perverted boyfriend and former pimp richard grimson - but he was a regular visitor to 10 Carswell Gardens - where his BMW was parked outside at all hours.

This fact is now accepted by the Local Authority and Social Services say "with hindsight we should of carried out unnanounced spot-checks at the home of ms johnson and her partner".

These are just three examples of her many lies.

The truth is Sam and Adam visited a movie set where actors were playing East End Gangsters. All the villians on the set were `ex-gangsters` and advisors.

Both boys did meet and visit the home of celebrity gangster Dave Courtney.

She made it out to be dodgy - but it was 100% innocent.

Nowadays Dave is a `showbiz celebrity`and I have met him many times. He was at Garry Bushell`s stag do and at one time we both wrote a column for the lad`s magazine Front.

And both boys have been offered parts in a movie about The Cockney Rejects. It`s true the cheeky chappies have links with boxing and the ICF - but their main claim to fame is being the best punk band to come out of East London.

The truth is when you investigate her false claims there is nothing in them. As my solicitor said and the CPS agreed "She trawls the Internet looking to be offended"

I will be using information lifted directly from official reports.

Various Social Services and Cafcass reports name her boyfriend as richard grimson and confirm that he violently threatened and verbally sexually abused my children. One report refers to him as "the partner of ms johnson"

At different times he was warned about his perverted behaviour by both Wickford and Basildon Police.

I have a letter from Inspector Rustman of Basildon Police advising me to take out a Private Prosecution against grimson.

I have been to the High Court three times and each time I have accused my ex-wife of adultery and grimson of being a pervert and a former pimp.

My ex-wife has confessed to adultery and grimson has admitted to the police that he violently threatened and verbaly sexually abused my children.

So why I am arrested for telling the truth?

Every word in this statement I have said on oath at Chelmsford and Colchester County Courts and then repeated at The High Court.

So why do I get arrested for telling the truth?

Before I start from the beginning let me jump ahead to May 2010.

I obtained a document dated 23rd January 2007 that for 3 years had been hidden from the courts and the Local Authority.

Social Worker Peter Brown admits: "I was never shown a copy of that report" adding "Had I seen it Sam and Adam would not of been taken into care"

He has since told both boys to their faces:
"I now believe everything you have told me about the behaviour of your mother and her boyfriend"

In Court that quote will be `bloody dynamite` as will Mr Brown revealing to Sam, Adam and me:
"We the Local Authority never wanted to get involved in the first was ms johnson who forced our hand by taking out Private Proceedings"
"She told us your dad was mad and mentally ill"
He added:
"At one stage she tried to get you two boys seperated and wanted Adam sent to a secret address in another part of the country - but I wouldnt agree to that"

The legal document reveals how my ex-wife went to Basildon Police in December 2006 and told them I was "mad, bad, dangerous and about to kill her boyfriend richard grimson"

But the official report I obtained under the Freedom Of Information Act from the Criminal Justice Mental Health Team states:
"Mr Johnson does not have a mental illness and has no Mental Health problems"

Yet to this day my ex-wife still tells her friends and family that I am `mad`. She told this lie to my former next-door-neighbour Mike Hills of 20 Bridge Road Wickford.

This pompous `victor meldrew` type know-it-all stopped my sons in the street and shouted "your dad is mad" adding "Your mum said he`s a nutter"

He did this on a number of occassions and only stopped spreading this lie when he recieved a warning letter from Wickford solicitors Harvey, Copping and Harrison.

If he wishes to dispute this I have a copy of the letter.

Sam tells me that a female friend of my ex-wife harrasses him on a almost daily basis `slagging me off` and making various claims. He says she has `changed her appearance" but that he still recognises her when she stares at him in Tescos or gives him `dirty looks` in the street.

He describes her as "dog ugly" and "mouthy" and has reported her druggie husband to Social Services for threatening him with a iron bar.

Now I aint a grass - and personally cant stand people who grass - but when it comes to protecting your children normal rules and moral codes dont apply.

I did report grimson to the police because `child abuse` is a `perverted` rather then a `criminal offence`.

I know the name of the fat druggie who comes into daily contact with my daughter - he uses `Charlie` and the name of his dealer - (Star Trek and Corrie character) - but I aint a `grass` and would not report the dealer to the police because he has no connection with my daughter.

But I have reported `fat gary from Canning Town` to Social Services/Cafcass/Solicitor - not because I`m a low-life grass but because he comes into contact with Princess.

I also have a legal letter proving my ex-wife got her solicitors to stop Sam, Adam and me visiting Princess in Basildon Hospital.

I am sure that when she`s older and reads the letter my little Princess will not be impressed by this selfish and spiteful act.

So you see this statement will provide evidence to back-up all my claims.


My ex-wife can not deny posing for pornographic photos because she personally handed some of the x-rated pictures to the police.
She also informed the courts of the porno poloriods.

She cant deny starring in pornographic films because it was she who first told people about them.

And as usual she revealed them in such a way to get me into `trouble` and smear my character.

She told Social Worker Peter Brown (who can confirm) "I only did it once or twice to please Garry"

This was her way of suggesting that I in some way forced her to take part.

But as I said to Mr Brown and the videos confirm "Peter they were done over a 12-year period and at various locations"
"I know 64 Chestnut Road was a big house but it didnt have 10 bedrooms, five lounges, three bathrooms or half a dozen different staircases"

And further proof that they were filmed at 4 different houses over a 12-year-period is the various hairstyles.

As I said in my books, in various courts and to Mr Brown: "I know I shouldnt of revealed her porno past...but it wasnt done out of spite or to hurt her...I only mentioned the pictures and films because she wouldnt let me see Princess"

"I have missed Christmas Days, birthdays, taking Princess to the park...and have only seen her a few times since June 2005"

The last time being November 2007.

All claims I make in this statement I have already stated on oath and in The High Court where all reporting restrictions were lifted.

I have never sent ms johnson a single email and have not spoken to her since January 2006. In fact the only time I see her is in court.

So why do I keep being arrested?

The fact is everything you have read so far I have stated in court, repeated to the press, told the Local Authority, my MP and every legal person I have spoken to.

So why do I keep getting arrested?

The rest of my statement will be supported by evidence from Sam, Adam and a number of other professional agencies and members of the public.

It was Adam who came home at 3pm and caught his mum half-naked and`at it` with boyfriend richard grimson.

It was Sam who told the police about grimson boasting to him "I am the man who is f*****g your mum - do you want to see the pictures?
And Princess is in bed with us - do you want to see the pictures?"

Why do I get arrested for saying that - because grimson has admitted it to the police? And my ex-wife has admitted to Social Services that he said it.
It is quoted in both Cafcass and Local Authority reports so why do I get arrested for telling the truth?

MTF from 2004 t0 2010

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