Friday, 30 January 2015

Garry Johnson And LUCY JOHNSON (Part 2)

As yet no reply from LUCY JOHNSON...not happy...but it could be because her Management Team have not passed on my Contact in case she reads this message I will add my personal email address which In my letter as well as confessing to being her Number One Fan - I also give LUCY a `potted version` of my life story - and reveal how long I have been trying to contact her. Also sent her some of my poems/lyrics `Dead Men Cant Talk (so i`m telling you now)` - `Father and Daughter` - `My Life And Times` - I`m convinced Lucy will like them and put them to music. Hopefully she will read this message and make contact at

Thursday, 29 January 2015

Garry Johnson And LUCY JOHNSON

EXCLUSIVE; I am a big fan of Acoustic Folk singer/Songwriter Lucy Johnson...her recording of Angelsong is a classic...the lyrics say it all. Google Lucy and hear for yourself. I would love her to record one of my ballad IF LOOKS COULD KILL would be perfect for her voice. The truth is I am dying and the thought of death brings out a softer more emotional side of your character...I have not got religion...but I have got a sort of calm Karma about me nowadays...I still try and play Anarchy In The UK, Ziggy Stardust, All The Young Dudes and Walk On The Wild Side every day...but my mind/brain/ears need to hear Angels by Robbie Williams, The Sex Pistols performing My Way and Bowie`s My Death which is why/how I became a fan of Lucy Johnson. My wish is to meet LUCY JOHNSON before I die...but will dreams come true? The FACT is it aint up to me - I cant grant my final wish - BUT I have written a Fan Letter - so maybe LUCY will make contact with me before I die! As they say "fingers crossed".

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Dead Men Cant Talk - So I Have Made A Statement

Photos from posts CLICK ON THE LINK TO SEE WHAT COULD OF BEEN THE LAST PICTURE OF PUNK POET GARRY JOHNSON - it was taken by my son and Ace Snapper Adam Johnson - my other son Sam Johnson recorded the film clips at Basildon and Billericay Hospital - this will be uploaded to YouTube. DEAD MEN CANT TALK which is why my official autobiography is being written - as a precaution in case I die - with my odds at no more then 50-50 to survive - my entire life story has been recorded. I have shaken hands with the author - who I trust 100 per cent - he has all my documents/scrapbooks - so that should I die before we finish the joint venture - he will still publish and promote the book. SALES are very important - if it does well - it will be that much easier to make a movie version of my life...dont laugh...this is the genuine opinion of Punk Legend Garry Bushell. I want Danny Dyer to play me - Patsy Kensit as my ex-wife - and UKIP MP Douglas Carswell is a dead ringer for the corrupt judge I will be naming for protecting a self-confessed child abuser. To boost interest in my official autobiography - I am currently on a Publicity Blitz - I have just been interviewed by a magazine - plus I am promoting my Blogs - BORN IN A HOUSE IN HACKNEY - Garry Johnson The Punk Poet and plugging the Garry Jackson book Till Death Us Do Part which has rave reviews on PUBLICITY and placing stories is my game - so if I am still alive in May - I wont be dead but I will be promoting my Official autobiography to death - I will be all over the media like a rash. SO WATCH THIS SPACE.

Basildon Hospital Picture

CLICK on the link...DEAD MEN CANT TALK - SO IVE MADE A STATEMENT to see the Basildon Hospital picture... it was taken just weeks after I spent 27 days in a coma and on a life support machine - and as they say every picture tells a story - I look like a semi corpse but at least I`m alive.

The truth is people believed this could be the last ever photo of THE PUNK POET - I should not have survived - I died twice and one night at Midnight - my sons were told "prepare yourself for the worst - your dad might not be here at 8am" - but I survived - The Heart Consultant Prof.Khan called me a fighter and the Nurses "a Christmas miracle".

That was 12 months ago - this is January 2015 - and although I could die at anytime - I am still here alive and kicking. Today I had the photo taken for the cover of my official autobiography - my story has also been recorded - everything is now on tape - and should I not make it - I have made sure that DEAD MEN CAN TALK - I will not be silenced and my story will be in the public domain with a book in all High Street Bookshops and available on Amazon.

Publicity And Major Embarrassment

My attitude to life has always been a glass is always half full rather then half empty...every cloud has a silver lining...from every negative a positive. I am ill - I am dying - BUT that means I have a lot of time on my hands - that is why I can usually dedicate 30 minutes a day to blitzing the Internet...sometimes it is boring repeating everything again and again...but you have to think like a Politician running for Election or a General planning a Military campaign. The world has to know the TRUTH - that is my only rule - THE TRUTH - I am 100 per cent into self censorship which is why I only publish the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth...and the proof is in the pudding. Let me PROVE how everything I write/reveal is the God`s Honest Truth. SUBJECT JULIE JOHNSON... I reveal that between the period 1992-2004 that she starred in pornographic films - now let us be serious - If I was lying why has she not sued for libel or slander? EASY ANSWER TO THAT QUESTION because I am telling the absolute Truth. She recently told her boyfriend that she only `messed around` in front of a mobile phone camera - A COMPLETE LIE. We started making the films in 1992 and there were no mobile phones on the market. Our films pre-dated the selfie craze by many years. We started out doing polaroid pictures at 11 Shirley Gardens Basildon in 1990 and quickly moved onto films - we bought the Video camera together in a shop in Basildon ... just off the 127 ... near McDonalds, Choice and Next. If Julie disagrees then take a Lie Detector Test - I will even pay for it. Between 1992-2004 we filmed porno movies at 11 Shirley Gardens - 30 The Gables - 64 Chestnut Road and 22 Bridge Road - if Julie disagrees I urge her to take a Lioe Detector Test paid by me. If she denies I wrote the scripts for films in which she dressed up as a Sexy Schoolgirl - Escort Girl - Stripper - Prostitute then take a Lie Detector Test. If she denies playing a nude estate agent in Naked House Tour - having sex on camera ... then take a Lie Detector Test. THE CAMERA DOES NOT LIE..also if you still doubt she was a porn star ... then ask her to explain why ... and on oath ...that she admitted at Southend Court to starring in porn films. I am more then willing to take a Lie Detector Test - the question is "is julie johnson prepared to do the same?" The reason I have put all the FACTS into the public domain has nothing to do with spite or revenge on my part - I went public because she sided with a child-abusing pervert against her own children. She put a borderline paedohile before her own flesh and blood. That is why I decided to put what went on behind closed doors into the public domain - and ladies I ask you this very important question - if you had NEVER starred in pornographic films - but a person claimed you had - if your character was being discredited - what would you do? I would suggest that any DECENT, respectable woman who had NOT made porn films would sue - why hasnt julie johnson sued? I SUGGEST IT IS BECAUSE I AM TELLING THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH...and in TABLOID TALES I will be revealing every single detail of what took place behind closed doors.

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

THIS is Wickford Porn Star Julie Johnson

Garry Johnson - Google+

Born In A House In Hackney: The Punk Poet by Garry Johnson: Garry Johnson Punk Rocker To Freedom Fighter

Born In A House In Hackney: The Punk Poet by Garry Johnson: Garry Johnson Punk Rocker To Freedom Fighter

My TRUE and FACTUAL life story that Chelmsford Court and Julie Johnson FAILED to ban LOL... CLICK on thr link to be directed to the Factual Information.

Born In A House In Hackney: Wickford Porn Star Julie Johnson admits on oath in open court to starring in…

Born In A House In Hackney: Wickford Porn Star Julie Johnson admits on oath in open court to starring in…

CLICK on the Link and then then CLICK on the BORN IN A HOUSE IN HACKNEY Link and you will see an Official Legal Document from Southend Court where Wickford Adult Actress Julie Johnson ADMITS to starring in porn films...this is very important evidence as it proves the Basildon Babe lied to the police...if you read earlier extracts from The Punk Poet and Born In A House In Hackney you will note that Julie was found GUILTY of making false and malicous allegations...YES between 1992-2004 she did star in 30 plus Pornographic films - but as the Police stated and my legal team stated "Garry Johnson did not put them on the Internet"...this document is also important...because the boyfriend of ms johnson wrote to me `very upset` because he was shocked by Julie`s porn past - I simply told him to check the facts - he wrote back saying "Julie said she only posed for pictures on your mobile phone" adding "everyone does it nowadays". I wrote back - if you check my FB page - where I published our exchanges - you will see that he CONTACTED me...I explained that we didnt have mobile phones in 1992 and to be honest I was offended because I spent a lot of time writing scripts and providing Julie with dialogue - Julie tried to con him by lying/pretending that the films were just us having a bit of fun with mobile funs - and her idiot boyfriend seemed to believe it - but as the Court document confirms they were proper kosher films...Julie admitted this in Court and to the Police - happy to tell the TRUTH in private - but NOT happy about the FACTS being in the Public Domain - and her porno past would of remained SECRET if she had not protected her perverted child abusing boyfriend...

Cockney Rebel and Punk Poet : Garry Johnson - The Punk Detective

Cockney Rebel and Punk Poet : Garry Johnson - The Punk Detective

CLICK on the Link...and read how I proved 100 per cent how I was NOT the person who put Naked Pictures of porno film clips of Wickford adult actress JULIE JOHNSON on the Internet...after a Police investigation I was found NOT GUILTY and ms quote my solicitors was GUILTY of making false and malicious allegations...YES there were naked pictures and clips from Basildon Babe, Saturday Night Specials and Essex Escort on the worldwide web - there still are - but as my legal team said and the Police agreed "Garry Johnson was NOT the person who put them on the internet" extracts by Googling BORN IN A HOUSE IN HACKNEY or Garry Johnson The Punk Poet.