Wednesday 4 May 2011

Hunger Strike Update

Yesterday I found out my Hearing is next week so last night I had chicken soup, Rice Pudding and 2 yogurts but I`m not `down` or feeling "guilty" as I will resume my `Hunger Strike` at Mid-day.
I am very proud that I kept my word and lasted 12 days - but I want to be in a `critical condition` after the Hearing and not before.
Collapsing in the street or dying in my own bed will not lead to a high-profile inquest or Public Inquiry.
The `name of the game` is publicity for my cause and to make the world aware that I suffered a grave `miscarraige of justice` and was illegally seperated from my daughter.
I am mentally prepared for the wires and tubes being attached to my body but after and not before `the last hurrah`.
To be honest 12 days without food was pretty easy. First I shrunk my stomach by starting with milkshakes and fought the fatigue with Red Bull and Lucozade - but after 3 days nothing but tea, coffee, Cranberry Juice and the odd hot cup of marmite passed my lips.
I currently have a sore throat, dry lips, mouth ulcers and aching limbs but mentally I feel fine. I was apart from a few hours on day 3 and 5 alert and full of energy throughout.
It was a combination of `mind over matter`, adrenaline and knowing I had `right on my side` that got me through.

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