Wednesday 28 January 2015

Publicity And Major Embarrassment

My attitude to life has always been a glass is always half full rather then half empty...every cloud has a silver lining...from every negative a positive. I am ill - I am dying - BUT that means I have a lot of time on my hands - that is why I can usually dedicate 30 minutes a day to blitzing the Internet...sometimes it is boring repeating everything again and again...but you have to think like a Politician running for Election or a General planning a Military campaign. The world has to know the TRUTH - that is my only rule - THE TRUTH - I am 100 per cent into self censorship which is why I only publish the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth...and the proof is in the pudding. Let me PROVE how everything I write/reveal is the God`s Honest Truth. SUBJECT JULIE JOHNSON... I reveal that between the period 1992-2004 that she starred in pornographic films - now let us be serious - If I was lying why has she not sued for libel or slander? EASY ANSWER TO THAT QUESTION because I am telling the absolute Truth. She recently told her boyfriend that she only `messed around` in front of a mobile phone camera - A COMPLETE LIE. We started making the films in 1992 and there were no mobile phones on the market. Our films pre-dated the selfie craze by many years. We started out doing polaroid pictures at 11 Shirley Gardens Basildon in 1990 and quickly moved onto films - we bought the Video camera together in a shop in Basildon ... just off the 127 ... near McDonalds, Choice and Next. If Julie disagrees then take a Lie Detector Test - I will even pay for it. Between 1992-2004 we filmed porno movies at 11 Shirley Gardens - 30 The Gables - 64 Chestnut Road and 22 Bridge Road - if Julie disagrees I urge her to take a Lioe Detector Test paid by me. If she denies I wrote the scripts for films in which she dressed up as a Sexy Schoolgirl - Escort Girl - Stripper - Prostitute then take a Lie Detector Test. If she denies playing a nude estate agent in Naked House Tour - having sex on camera ... then take a Lie Detector Test. THE CAMERA DOES NOT LIE..also if you still doubt she was a porn star ... then ask her to explain why ... and on oath ...that she admitted at Southend Court to starring in porn films. I am more then willing to take a Lie Detector Test - the question is "is julie johnson prepared to do the same?" The reason I have put all the FACTS into the public domain has nothing to do with spite or revenge on my part - I went public because she sided with a child-abusing pervert against her own children. She put a borderline paedohile before her own flesh and blood. That is why I decided to put what went on behind closed doors into the public domain - and ladies I ask you this very important question - if you had NEVER starred in pornographic films - but a person claimed you had - if your character was being discredited - what would you do? I would suggest that any DECENT, respectable woman who had NOT made porn films would sue - why hasnt julie johnson sued? I SUGGEST IT IS BECAUSE I AM TELLING THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH...and in TABLOID TALES I will be revealing every single detail of what took place behind closed doors.

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