Wednesday 16 March 2016

With A Lot Of Help From ROD STEWART

Part One of my trilogy `Punk Rock Stories And Tabloid Tales` was written with a background soundtrack of David Bowie, The Sex Pistols, The Clash and The Jam.

The second part is using the songs and interviews of Rod Stewart,

Only Ziggy Stardust and David Bowie mean more to me then Rod The Mod.

I have always had a `split personality` .

The arty side of my character is obsessed with Ziggy Stardust, fast drugs and all things outrageous, avant garde and liberal.

My `other half` is all about Rod Stewart, slim blondes, fast drugs and rock `n`  roll.

To be honest writing `Punk Rock Stories And Tabloid Tales` was fun whereas as part two is a bit of a chore.

At times it even feels like work.

So to lift the boredom of trawling through documents and making sure it reads like a `Sworn Statement` I`m lifting quotes from Rod Srewart interviews.

A perfect example is the interview with Piers Morgan.

I have borrowed all the quotes from 28 minutes and 30 seconds into the interview because Rod explains it better then me.

As with him it was my ego that was hurt and had nothing to do with any feelings for my is true I loved her...but never as much as I loved myself.

The truth is my reaction had very little to do with her betrayal ... and Rod says "it happens every day of the week" .

He is correct as there are very few men or women who haven`t cheated on a wife or husband.

What made our divorce different was that Julie added bullying to her serial adultery.

I have hated bullies all my life be they corrupt coppers, arrogant schoolteachers, perverted social workers, scumbag lawyers or bent judges.

My ex-wife thought she was `cock of the North` and swaggered around like a soap opera victim when in fact she was the guilty party.

As the official documents prove she made false statements to every branch of authority from solicitors to the police to social workers.

She admitted on oath in one court that she HAD starred in porno movies and then LIED to another court that she had NOT.

At first she told social workers her boyfriend had not `violently threatened and verbally sexually abused` our children ... and then in 2008 told another "It`s true he did ... Sam and Adam were telling the truth"

Adding "I want him shot".

Ours would have been a normal, boring and middle of the road divorce if `child abuse` and `bullying` had not been involved.

I chose to expose all the lies and fight the false allegations.

I hope after reading extracts from all the official documents you will agree I was right in taking on and beating the corrupt system.

Vital information for those who`ve not had the miss-fortune of attending Family Courts or having to deal with vile and evil social workers.

Family Courts are held in secret. There is no jury, no media and no public gallery.

This is not to protect children it is so that judges, solicitors and social workers can pervert the course of justice.

I grew up hating the police and my opinion of them has softened.

One of my oldest friends became a detective in the Flying Squad and a family friend is currently climbing the ranks.

But my DNA is still `anti-police` ... but having said that ... the police are not corrupt when it comes to interviews as all are conducted above board and on tape.

Try asking a social worker for a taped interview.

Many times I placed a tape machine on the table and they refused to speak as they are terrified of the truth.

Most social workers are lying scum ... too dis-honest for the police and not `bright enough` to be a corrupt solicitor.

Family Courts are to use a Football analogy "Conference League" whereas The High Court is "Champions League".

As my book shows if you want Justice go to The High Court.

I went 5 times and on each occasion got a "Fair Hearing" and followed by justice.

LORD Justice Munby ruled I could name my sons in public and warned the Essex County Council brief  "not to appeal"  as he would not change his mind.

Lord Justice Thorpe ruled I was entitled to see all the `secret documents`.

Not only were Essex County Council ordered to handover the 3000 plus documents but they were given 28 days to deliver them to my door.

The facts you read in this book come from those `secret documents` I was never meant to see.

So my advice to all parents (Mums and dads) is never back down and don`t give in.

As His Honour Judge Moloney said to a Essex County Council barrister "Mr Johnson is not like other people and  is like a dog with a bone.

He will not go away.

I order you to handover all documents"

Sam was standing next to me and when he cheered was verbally abused by the same barrister.

The Judge asked for an apology ... but not from Sam ... the barrister had to apologize to Sam.

What a difference 7 years make.

When it started in 2005 I had my ex-wife, the police, social services and a corrupt family court system against me.

It 2012 it ended with Sam getting an apology and me getting all my documents.

But what did His Honour Judge Moloney say "Mr Johnson is not like other people"

I hadn`t finished.

The Punk Poet went back to court six more tines.

I got the ban on all the movies ... including Saturday Night Specials lifted.

The Gagging Order on "Till Death Us Do Part" revoked.

In December 2013 my campaign for justice suffered a major set-back.

I was due back in court to `fight for the right` to see my daughter when I was struck down by a fifth heart attack which left me `clinging to life` and spending 29 days in a coma,

But as always with me fete stepped in and my brush with death inspired me to write and record "Punk Rock Stories And Tabloid Tales".

This book wont only reveal what went on behind closed doors but confirm why I was correct in NEVER taking "No" for a answer.

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