Thursday 14 January 2016

Garry and Julie At Waterloo Station Every Friday Night

This chapter contains both words and emotions I thought I`d never write or admit but the death of ZIGGY STARDUST has changed everything.

I can now listen to Bowie`s version of `Waterloo Sunset` without getting emotional. Once again I can sing the line
"Terry and Julie at Waterloo Station every Friday night"
"Garry and Julie at Waterloo Station every Friday night"
without having flashbacks or feeling down.

The death of David Bowie has seen off all my demons.

So a message for Julie.

I am "sorry" for how it ended and genuinely apologize for putting our private life in the public domain.

I give you my word that from now on there will be no more revelations or `secrets` revealed.

Life is too short.

I am genuinely "sorry" for any embarrassment, Now that is a world exclusive as you know me better then anyone and I never say "sorry".

Well I just did.

I know for a fact that you will be surprised by the content of my book as along with David Bowie, Fast Drugs and Punk Rock you feature in my Hall Of Fame.

The book is not a whitewash of me or a hatchet job on you.

I would bet my life on you liking 95% of my life story. Katrina my Editor said and I quote "your book made me laugh so much, it was both very amusing and heart-breaking"

I`m not telling you all this because I want you to splash £15 on a copy. I want you to know that because of David Bowie dying I`ve had a change of heart.

His death has both shaken and changed me so the war is over. Like Bowie I want to be dignified in my final months.

My publicity campaign for the book and CD has changed. When I promote both I will NOT talk about our private life or the aftermath of the divorce.

You have my word. I will concentrate on all my punk rock stories and tabloid tales.

I do hope you read the book as so far the reviews have been `excellent` and many have picked-up on my obsessions.

David Bowie, ex-wife, George Best and fast drugs.

There is no need for me to write this but as you know BOWIE was my God. As I say in the book "dont do religion, politics, royal family, my Pope is Ziggy Stardust".

His death has wiped away any feelings I had of of hate, anger or wanting revenge.

Those days are gone,

If you dont believe me ... just send a message to and I`ll send you a copy of both book and CD.

I also have copies of the CD that`s released on February 1st.

You might not like the songs but the lyrics are printed in the booklet that comes with the CD and one of the songs was written about you.

"Something Missing ( The One That Got Away)

"Father`s Day" was written for Lucy

"Newton Brown" for Sam and Adam

And keeping it in the family

"Punk Rock Stories And Tabloid Tales" is all about me.

Just let me know and I`ll post you a copy this afternoon.

I have not gone soft but the death of DAVID BOWIE has just wiped away any negative feelings and cleansed my mind of anger.

I am a changed man.


Signing off in the style of David Bowie/Ziggy Stardust and I have to put three kisses because he always did.

Love on ya


P.S "My love and best wishes to Lucy"

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