Friday 29 July 2016

The Truth About Labour Leadership Candidate Owen Smith

Owen Smith is the latest in a long line of middle-class champagne socialists trying to destroy the genuine Working Class.

Here is my poem about the Red Tory trying to stab Jeremy Corbyn in the back.


Oily Owen Smith 
The little shit
The hypocrite
The heir to Blair with receding hair
I aint following you anywhere

A former member of CND
who now believes in all things World War Three
Brags he`d press the button and drop the bomb
In the Labour Party you dont belong
with your macho views, outdated patter, arrogant stance
and smug looking face
Your a traitor to the party and the human race

You believe in BUPA
private care and private beds
and ripping the NHS to shreds

He`a a Royalist who loves the queen
A secret fan of Sir Philip Green

He`d take a seat in the House of Lords and sell his soul
for ermin
The little shit is political vermin

Oily Owen Smith the heir to Blair
The little Welshman with receding hair
I aint following you anywhere

Compared to Bevan your a dwarf and a elf
A pygmie politician who dont believe in the National Health

Your more Neil Kinnock then Tony Benn
Another Welsh windbag and yet again

A lobbyist
A opportunist
with a Mason`s handshake and wankers wrist
A fucking prick from head to toe
Like Tony Blair you`ll piss on the poor
and send our young kids off to war

Your masquerading as Mr Humble
But you dont support the weak and vulnerable
Your a two-bob Tory in expensive shoes
And just like Kinnock your gonna lose

Compared to Corbyn your a second rate chancer
Like Blairite Balls the disco dancer
You`ll never wear the crown or win this two-horse race
So take that smug look off your face

Oily Owen Smith with the receding hair
I aint following you anywhere

Like Donald Trump 
you give me the hump
With your sexy soundbites slogans and banners
But you know fuck all about heavy manners
And after you lose and get rejected
Class traitors like you Bryant and Hilary Benn will be de-selected

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